Page 58 of Stolen Love

“Alec?” Rebel follows me inside.

“Nathaniel Croft,” I spit. “He knew we were cousins. He knew Ivy would go to him.”

“Whoa.” He rushes after me as I enter the bedroom, which is empty. “That’s a leap.”

Through the closed bathroom door I can hear water running, so she’s probably in there. Hiding from me. From the truth of what we are. Possibly deciding she might as well marry that prick and save us all a fight. “That asshole isn’t getting his hands on her. Not as long as I breathe.”

“You’re upset right now. Shaken. Not thinking straight.” Rebel is in my face.

I stalk into the wardrobe and punch the keycode on my safe and take out the gun I keep there. Not that I’ve ever wanted to use it. Or perhaps I should say I never thought about using it. I only bought it as a precaution. But now… what have I got to lose?

I load the clip while he keeps telling me how much of a stupid idea this is.

“You can’t be serious.” He steps into my path as I tuck the weapon into the waist of my pants. “Today has been a lot. I’m right there with you, brother. But going after the lawyer isn’t going to change what you’re really pissed about.”

I snarl at him through a haze of red. “Get out of my way.”

Chapter Twenty-Five


Eyes swollen and red, I sit on the edge of the tub while the water whooshes in. This can’t be happening. It can’t be true. Rogue and I can’t be related. It isn’t fair. After everything we’ve been through… all the nights we’ve spent together.

I'm struggling to drag air in and out of my lungs as I stand and move to the vanity. Opening the top draw, I take out the box I placed there hours earlier. I was scared to be pregnant. Nervous. But I wanted it. And now… everything I hoped for is wrong. My heart is wrong. My images of the future… impossible.

Blackberry scented bubbles sweeten the air. Steam thickens it. My stomach churns again. My throat still burns from vomiting up stomach bile when we got back to the apartment.

Rogue is my cousin. I'm in love with my... cousin. I might be pregnant... with my cousin’s child. Kill me now. This can’t be happening.

I peel the plastic from the box, my fingers shaking so much it’s almost impossible to remove the wrapping.

For the first time since the doctor suggested I might be pregnant I am truly terrified that the result will be positive.

My heart is breaking. The man I love... he was never meant to be mine, was he? It’s like fate is playing the cruellest of tricks on us. Laughing at us.

Tears brim over my lashes. A painful sound comes from somewhere deep inside me.

We’re supposed to be happy. In this together. But I’ve never felt this torn apart. The box taps against the hard surface as I brace myself.

What am I going to do if it’s positive? How am I supposed to ever look Rogue in the face again either way?

Taking a deep breath, I rip into the cardboard. Better to get this over and done with now. At least once I know, I can work out what to do.

Tipping the box end up, I drop the pregnancy test and instructions out on the counter. Unfolding the paper, I read the steps.

Okay, this is straightforward. Just take the cap off and pee on the end. Then wait for the one or two lines to show up.

I go through the motions and wash my hands and set the timer on my phone. And then I hold that stick two inches from my nose while I turn off the water in the bath.

“Get out of my way,” Rogue roars.

“You’re pissed.” Rebel raises his voice. “I’d be angry too. But I’m not going to let you be this stupid.”

Rogue roars again.

It’s followed by a bang against the door that makes me jump. Another bang sends the door flying open. Rogue and Rebel tumble in.

Rogue’s trying to throw fists at his brother. Rebel wraps his arms and legs around him in an attempt to lock his limbs in place.