Page 103 of Stolen Love

Her walls ripple around my cock, and I push up and spill so deep inside her.

Catching our breaths, we smile at each other so big. Then laugh.

“Are we really doing this?” she asks.

“Forever. Babies. Everything. With you.” I nod. “We sure are.”

“I better get inside.” She climbs off my knee and takes a moment to straighten up before she opens the door and climbs out. “I’ll see you in a few hours.”

She closes the door and walks across the lot.

Before her I never thought there would be any way I would end up here. Totally whipped. Getting married. Trying for a baby. But this woman… I roll the window down before she gets inside. “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”



I pull in and cut the motor before pressing the button on the garage door. There’s a muffled sound from the trunk as the door slowly shuts.

“So you’re awake then.” I climb out of the driver’s seat and walk around to pop the trunk.

It’s been three months since I brought Dizzy home, and she’s been pouting ever since. I hate it when she gets like this. Sad. It sucks all the warmth and light out of my life.

She’s my sunshine and when she isn’t happy… well, nobody is happy.

I pop the trunk and lift the lid.

The man blinks in the light after being locked in the dark for so long. He struggles against the rope I tied him up with. Screams against the tape over his mouth. It’s muffled by the rag I jammed in his throat.

It took me a while to find Alec Hawthorne. Like a rat he scurried off to hide, and burrowed in deep. The police couldn’t trace him. But I have ways and means. He was never going to evade me for long.

Picking him up, I toss him onto my shoulder and stalk through the house. The ocean roars against the shore not too far away. It’s the sound of something wild and natural and untameable. Of all my houses this one is my favorite.

Because it reminds me of my sunshine. But also because no one can hear her misery except me.

I yank open the door that leads into the basement. The stairs shriek under our combined weight while he struggles on my shoulder.

The ornate bars of the cage come into view. My sunshine sits on the wooden swing with her back to me, her bare feet dangling.

She glances over her shoulder at me and her eyes glitter with pain.

Her pain slices at my heart. It opens the scars carved into my chest until I feel raw and bloody. “Dizzy, I brought you something.”

“Leave me alone, West,” she says in a voice devoid of anything more than misery as she turns away. “Or let me go.”

“You know I can’t do that.” I collect the key from where I keep it on the far wall. “Not while you’re like this. I won’t let you hurt yourself. I can’t lose you. You’re the only person who can love something like me.”

“I don’t love you,” she whispers.

Her words are like claws, tearing at my flesh. She doesn’t mean them though. We are all the other has. Even now that she has a sister. It doesn’t change that she is of the darkness like I am. One day Ivy Love will realize that and then it will be Dizzy and I alone once more.

I dump Alec on the floor of the cage. “I brought you a surprise.”

“A surprise?” Her ears prick up at Alec’s muffled screams.

“He was on your kill list.”

She takes in the man at my feet. For the first time in months she smiles. “Is that Alec Hawthorne?”