Page 101 of Stolen Love

Our bodies grow damp with sweat as we kiss and touch and fuck. It takes much longer to get to the edge this time. The orgasm builds so sweetly, so intensely. When it hits it drags me under, rendering me without senses as I scream for him.

He bites my shoulder and roars as the ripples of my orgasm set him off too.

We linger afterwards. Revel in the afterglow. In slow, loving kisses and the kind of intimate jokes that only two people in love can share. Then he carries me to the shower and we make love again.

Afterward, we meet up with Adira for breakfast. And he hands me an envelope that arrived to his apartment for me this morning.

It’s a letter from my dad.

He hopes that my receiving this letter means that I worked out what the key was for and managed to free myself of Nicole. He tells me that he didn’t want to commit too much of the story to paper in case Nicole got her hands on them somehow. That he recorded only the most pertinent information, in case he didn’t make it, and had it delivered by a source he trusted in the days leading up to my birthday. He also set Dizzy on her path to me, knowing between us we would have all the pieces to bring what was left of our family back together.

I dash the tears from my eyes with a finger. “He never stopped looking after me.”

“He was the best kind of man,” Adira says. “But enough tears. It’s a big birthday. What do you want to do to celebrate?”

“I need to buy a dress to wear to the party tonight.” I smile at Rogue. “Want to watch me shop?”

“You know I love spoiling you.” He takes my hand and kisses my knuckles.

We spend the day shopping for all kinds of pretty things. Rogue arranges for entire stores to close just for me and Adira to have private shopping sprees. He tells me to buy whatever my heart desires.

My heart only desires him.

But I shop without worry about the cost or worrying about my worth. I let him buy because it’s a part of his love language. He loves to spoil me.

Later that night everyone gathers at Mojito to celebrate. We watch the queens perform and L.A Riot does a set.

Rogue and I sneak off to relive a memory. I’m just climbing off my knees when we here Riot and Kelsey snarling at each other outside Adira’s dressing room.

Rogue drags me behind a costume rack as Riot’s cute and feisty band manager storms into the room. “I can’t deal with you anymore. I quit.”

“Yeah, you quit?” Riot thunders and the door slams. “Quit this.”

It’s followed by a thud and then a moan.

Rogue stands and clears his throat. “We’ll just… uh… yeah, we’ll be going.”

Riot has his ass hanging out as Rogue tugs me past him. Kelsey’s cheeks are vibrant red.

Rogue opens the door and ushers me into the hallway.

“Fucking hell,” Riot groans.

We both burst out laughing as we make our way back to our table.

Adira does a to die for Marilyn Monroe impression and sings me happy birthday as Ivanna Bey Yaluva and Magnolia Clitterbean wheel out a three-tier cake with blue and white icing.

Tears fill my eyes as I stand and blow out the candles. I take in the smiling, happy faces of everyone that I care about. I am no longer alone or lonely. I am surrounded by an ocean of love.

And I have never been this happy.

Chapter Forty-Five


I check my watch again for the hundredth time while I wait for Ivy to come out of her meeting with Nathaniel. With Alec still out there I get a little nervous when she takes a long time. But my girl needs to be independent. She’s confident and it makes her happy. And that’s all that really matters to me. Her happiness.

It’s been three months since Ivy took charge of her father’s finances. She became a billionaire overnight.