“I-I don’t have a fucking clue,” Riot says. “Doc said nothing about that. She just said to make sure that she can breathe and that her airway remains clear. That and the feet thing.”
“How long has she been like this?” Adira asks.
Riot glances at his phone. “A couple of minutes.”
“I think we should call an ambulance.” This isn’t normal. Losing consciousness like this… “I have a bad feeling.”
“Nicole can’t find out about this.” Rebel claps a hand on my shoulder and squeezes. “You know she’ll use it against you.”
Adira glances at me across the bed. “She will.”
“This is Ivy’s life we’re talking about.” Let Nicole do whatever the hell she wants. Ivy is the only thing I’m worried about right now.
“The doctor won’t be long,” Rebel says. “Jackson will make sure security knows to clear her straight away. It’ll be okay. This isn’t like what happened in Narnia. It’s not.”
“Yeah.” This isn’t the same, but Ivy is so tranquil. It’s freaking me the hell out. I can’t stop thinking about how she looked when I found her that night. “It’s freezing in here. I’m going to cover her up.”
I pull the covers to her waist and hand Adira back his robe before tucking them under her chin. Taking a seat on the edge of the mattress, I smooth her hair out of her face before I take one of her hands between both of mine. “Come on, baby. You’re scaring me. Wake up for me, please.”
Her lashes flutter and her eyes move underneath her lids. A slight sound escapes her lips when they part. “Rogue?”
My heart starts to pump again. My lips tip up as a wave of emotion rolls through me. My shoulders sag while I squeeze the hand I hold cradled between mine. “Yeah, baby, I’m right here.”
“Glad you’re back with us, Love.” Adira smiles softly at her.
“Could you grab me a warm, wet cloth?” I ask him, unable to bring myself to leave her side.
“Sure.” He squeezes my shoulder on his way past.
Ivy’s pupils are dilated. She blinks a few times before she can focus on me and presses her fingertips to her forehead with a pained expression. “What happened?”
“You fainted on me.”
“Oh.” She tries to shove up on her elbows. “I don’t think I’ve ever done that before.”
“Don’t get up.” I press her gently back down on the mattress as Adira comes out of the bathroom with a wet cloth.
He hands it to me. “We’ll give you two some space.”
“Thanks.” I wait for him and my brothers to leave and the door to click shut before I tug the blanket back from her body. The hem of the slip is wrapped around her thighs. I hike it up to her waist and ease her legs apart so I can gently run the cloth over each thigh, cleaning my mess from her skin. “You scared the hell out of me, baby.”
“I’m fine.” She tries to sit up again, but her muscles are shaky and she doesn’t have the energy to keep me from stopping her.
“You are not fine,” I snap. I draw in a deep breath when her eyes widen and grow shiny. It’s fear that has me snapping at her and that’s not okay. I soften my voice as I gather her to my chest and stroke her hair. “I’m sorry, but you’ve been sick for weeks. And you’re obviously not getting better. This isn’t some cold or flu. Losing consciousness is serious, Ivy. It’s time to bring in a medical professional. It’s not up for debate. I need to know that nothing is going to happen to you.”
She pulls back enough to look at me. “I’ll see the doctor.”
“And you’ll talk to her?”
“Yes.” She bites her lip. “I’m sorry I worried you so much when we have so much else to worry about. That man—”
“Let’s not talk about that right now.” I kiss her forehead. That conversation is a closet darker than the ones Alec used to lock her in and I’m still working out how to break it to her. “You are my priority. Your health is my priority. The doctor will be here any minute.”
“Okay. Then I should get dressed.” She yawns into her palm as she once more tries to get up. “Or at least put on some underwear.”
“You will stay right there.” I gently press her back down again as I stand. “I’ll get you something more comfortable.”
“Thank you.” She still sounds weak and so damn tired. She touches the back of her hand to her forehead. “I don’t know what is wrong with me.”