“I could have made that happen by killing him,” Dizzy says. “If you weren’t so squeamish.”
“Glad I wasn’t recording that,” I say as I bring up the app.
“Ready?” Dizzy asks.
I nod.
She slaps him a few times until he finally rouses. His eyes widen in confusion until he realizes what happened. The next couple of minutes are taken up with him struggling and screaming.
Dizzy smacks tape over his mouth. “Are you going to be a good little bitch boy and stop screaming? Or am I going to have to stab you?”
“Freaking hell. We talked about this.” I stop the recording. “I’m not going to start it until he’s ready to talk.”
“Thank you.” She presses the tip of her knife into his thigh and his yells grow higher in pitch. His eyes start to water.
There might be a small part of me that is like Dizzy. A tiny, dark part that finds some sweetness in revenge, even if it also makes me squeamish.
“Ready to talk now?” she asks, sweet as pie.
“Mmhmm.” He nods vigorously. The rest of his reply is muffled by the tape on his mouth.
She crouches in front of him and takes his jaw in her hand. “Scream or try anything stupid and I will stab you in the balls. Ivy only said I couldn’t kill you. She didn’t tell me not to stab you in those soft, squishy parts you treasure so much. Understand?”
He nods again.
She glances at me over her shoulder. “You can start recording.”
I press the button as she rips the tape from his mouth. “What’s your name?”
“A-Alec.” He can barely manage his own name as he starts to snivel. “Alec Hawthorne.”
“And what are your crimes?”
“I-I tried to…”
“In detail.” She runs her fingers up and down the flat side of her knife. “Explicit detail.”
“I tried to kill my sister, Ivy Love…” he begins.
Chapter Forty-Two
West scowls at the road through the windshield. He’s been driving for the last four and a half hours while Rebel and Riot stare moodily out the side windows in the backseat.
Adira took middle, his eyes glued to the screen of his tablet for the entire trip. As long as he has service, he has eyes on the pink house.
That’s how we know Alec rocked up there forty minutes ago and hasn’t come out yet. But we don’t know what’s going on inside. We can’t tell if Ivy is in trouble, and I can’t stand it.
My nerves are shot as I check our ETA for the millionth time since we watched Alec enter the house. “It’s taking too long.”
“I’m well above the speed limit.” West’s knuckles turn white as his grip on the steering wheel tightens. “We’re only a few minutes away.”
“He’s already fucking there. Dizzy dragged her into the middle of fucking nowhere and now Alec is there, and Ivy’s unprotected. And he’s had forty minutes.”
“She’s not unprotected.” West snorts as the GPS instructs us to take the next turn.
The house comes into view ahead.