“The cheekbones too,” Rebel says.
“He has better ears,” Riot offers.
“If you men are finished.” West taps his fingers on the table. “Or should we whip out our cocks and measure up there too?”
We both know I win this contest.Rebel smirks as he reaches for the button on his jeans.
Only because you’re a metal head.I undo the string on my pants. “Okay, I think that would be appropriate.”
“Is this normal?” Nathaniel asks Riot, his gaze glued to the three of us.
“I’m not showing you my penis.” West rubs his hand over his head. “Are you always this weird?”
I stare at my identical.We might be a triplet now, but that guy is not the same.
“Pretty normal,” Riot says.
Oh.I raise my brows.Do you think he gets hives?
Let’s see.Rebel smirks.
“Can you stop it with the weird mind meld bullshit?” West stands. “I’m not interested in bonding or whatever this is. I’m only here because you said Dizzy has Ivy. If you don’t know where she is—”
“Hang on.” I push a hand into his chest as he attempts to leave. “At first I assumed it was you she was spying on us for, but then why take Ivy? What does Dizzy want with her?”
“Take your hand off me.” He stares at my hand like he’ll rip it from my body if I don’t. “Let’s get one thing straight. You are not my family, and I am not interested in getting involved in your world. I told you, I am only here for Dizzy.”
“Then let’s work together to find them so we can get out of each other’s hair.” I drop my hand to my side and give him space. Mom said he was different than us and he definitely is. I can’t say I like it.
“So Dizzy is obsessed with Ivy because…” Rebel leads him in.
“She believes Ivy is her sister,” he says.
“And you don’t?” I rub my forehead. How would that even work? Dizzy is Nicole’s daughter too? Or is Nathaniel right about Nicole not being Ivy’s biological mother? Are Alec and Dizzy related? Two psychotic peas in a pod? “How can that even be?”
“What did Betty tell you about our father?” West settles his arms on his knees and folds his hands between them. Kinda like Rebel does.
“That he’s a monster,” Rebel says. “That he stole you.”
“Yes, well, he had a habit of doing that. He abducted Dizzy’s mom and held her captive for years. By the time I found out it was too late to do anything about it.”
“What was her name?” Nathaniel asks.
“Poppy,” West says.
“Poppy Ashton.” Nathaniel nods slowly. “That was the name of Richard’s first wife. It would make sense. She could very well be both girls’ mother.”
“I want proof. Dizzy is… fragile. She’s been through things you can’t even imagine in your worst nightmares. It’s why I agreed to help Ivy get her memories back,” West says. “I was able to get a DNA sample on a champagne glass that I was going to run against Dizzy’s. But then when it came time to help her get her memories back… she remembered Dizzy was there the night Alec attacked her, and the situation went south.”
“What the fuck?” I snarl. “Dizzy was there that night? Helping Alec? Hurting Ivy?”
“No, not helping that inbred bastard,” he snarls. “She was trying to save Ivy’s life. She didn’t want to leave. But I couldn’t let her stay. I couldn’t risk her for some girl that doesn’t matter.”
She matters. To me. To my family. To Dizzy, apparently. But this asshole… Dizzy tried to save Ivy’s life and he ripped her away.
I lunge across the room and plant my fist in his jaw. “You almost cost Ivy her life.”
“I’ll give you that one. And only that one.” He cradles his jaw as he rolls off the floor and moves to a seat. “It’s not a choice I would make again. The more I’ve come to know of Ivy, the more I see similarities between her and Dizzy. But my sunshine will always be my first priority. You have each other. I only have her.”