Pink hair and blue eyes appear over the top of his head. She grips his shoulder with one pink gloved hand as she slides a blade across the front of his throat. A line of red wells in its wake. A cotton candy smile breaks on her face as he wraps his hand around his throat and starts to gasp.
“Dizzy?” I try to crawl deeper into the backseat. She’s been stalking me all along. Rogue could tell she wasn’t right. West tried to warn me. And… and I know she was there when Alec tried to kill me.
I remember her telling me she thought I would be stronger. Her hands wrapping around my wrists. Her fingers slipping and sliding in my blood as she dug beneath my skin. What did she say exactly? That she hoped we were the same.
“Such a shame. You were so freaking hot.” She giggles as she catches a drop of his blood on the tip of one gloved finger and smears it with the thumb. Her blue eyes lift when he topples to the side. They narrow on me.
“Stay away from me.” I shuffle as far back as I can, until the door keeps me from retreating any further. I yank on the handle, but it doesn’t budge.
Crouching down, she sifts through Jackson’s pockets. Her eyes light up when she holds up the keys. Standing, she claps her hands together in front of her chest. “Road trip.”
“No, please…” I try to climb past her but the fight is deserting me. My strength is waning.
She pushes me back with one finger. Grabs the seatbelt and drags it across my torso before clipping it into place. “Now, you just stay put while I grab some things from the ambulance. It’s going to be a while until we get where we’re going.”
“Dizzy. I thought you were my friend.”
She slams the door shut and hits the central locking button, then waves at me through the window. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.”
I struggle with the seatbelt as she enters the back of the ambulance. She’s worse than West said. She killed Jackson. I have to get out of here right now. The handle is useless. The child protection locks must be engaged.
I drag myself between the front seats and push the button. It clicks and I twist around to reach for the door in the backseat.
She’s locked it again, and all I can do is sink into the leather and try to catch my breath.
“I can play this game all day, girlfriend,” she calls out as she trots back to the car with her arms full of medical supplies. She opens the door and drops it all on the floor before reaching for my arm. “But I don’t think you have any more energy left, do you? All that poison is just kicking your sweet butt.”
“Don’t touch me.” I try to jerk my arm free as she opens a new catheter.
“This’ll go a lot smoother if you stay still, silly.” She straddles me, trapping my other arm to my thigh. She’s tiny but so very strong. I gasp when she forces the catheter into my vein. “There you go. That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
She hums as she hooks up a new line to the catheter and hangs the IV bag from the hook above the door. “There we go. That will be better now.”
“I know you’re working with Alec.” She’s going to take me to him, and he’s going to kill me. "I’m never going to see Rogue again, am I?”
“You are so funny.” Dizzy reaches for a container of pills and twists off the lid. She pops a pill in my mouth and clamps her hand over my lips. “Swallow.”
I shake my head and struggle against her.
“Swallow,” she screams in my face.
I fight until the urge is too strong and the pill slides down my throat.
“That’s better.” She smiles as she climbs off me and into the front. She turns on the radio. Heavy metal blasts through the speakers and she squeals in delight. “This is going to be the absolute best. Oh! You know what we should do… we should get snacks.”
Chapter Thirty-Five
My call goes to voicemail as I pace the shitty run down motel I holed up in once we’d put distance between us and the cops. “Is she okay? Just tell me she’s okay.”
I switched the TV on the minute I walked into the room. Figured it would be a good idea to see if I’d made the news yet. I didn’t expect to see Ivy fighting her fears and holding a press conference where she told the entire world what we’re up against.
Or to watch her falter and fall.
Jackson broke her descent and an ambulance was called. Rebel and Riot formed a wall between her and Alec until he walked away.