Page 73 of Stolen Love

I stare at the picture of Marty. Of the girl I knew so well growing up. Sadness coats the back of my throat as Rebel presses his shoulder to mine.

My hands form fists. We’ve lost so much. Our friend. Our very identity has been thrown into turmoil.

Ivy touches her forehead like it pains her. She’s pale and drawn and can’t take her eyes off Alec now that we’re on our feet.

I tug her in closer. My fucking heart is lost too. Once we’re in the car we’ll put the appropriate space between us again. Thinking about it makes my teeth ache.

“Ready?” Rebel asks me and Riot.

I nod. Swallow around the wetness in my throat. The funeral tomorrow will be quieter. Only close family and friends. Somehow Martin found it in his heart to put us on that list. I’ll have a chance to say what I need to say to her then.

We file into the aisle, Rebel tugging Summer in between him and Riot. Ivy stumbles and I catch her elbow to steady her. “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” she says. “My foot fell asleep on me.”

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I ignore it. Whoever it is can wait until we leave. Alec stands at the mouth of the aisle, smoothing a hand along the length of his tie.

Adira brings up the rear with Jackson, who slips past the three of us, his attention on putting himself between Ivy and the threat.

“That prick is really going to try and cause trouble at a funeral,” Adira says.

“Would you expect any differently?” My phone finally quits vibrating against my leg, but then starts up again almost immediately. Whoever it is must really want my attention. Too bad, I have eyes only for Alec.

“You should answer that,” Ivy says.

“It can wait.”

Another group enters the aisle, separating us from my brothers, forcing us to almost stop. It seems like providence so I check my phone.

Jason’s name is on the screen.

What is he calling for? He knew about Marty’s memorial. He wouldn’t call unless… I press the device to my ear. “What?”

“They’re waiting for you outside.”


“The police,” he says. “They’re going to arrest you tonight. My friend said they have enough to move on you now.”

“Fuck.” My heart starts pounding and the temperature rises between my ears. I squeeze my neck as I glance around the emptying venue.

“What is it?” Ivy asks me.

“Are you sure?” I ask into the phone.

“I’m about five minutes away.” I hear his car engine rev as he switches gears. “Dawdle.”

But Alec is here and even if he doesn’t plan on doing anything right now, the idea of being stuck in a holding cell while Ivy is out here alone… can’t fucking do it. “Or I could—"

“Don’t even think about it,” Jason snaps.

Ivy takes my face between her hands, capturing my focus. “What is going on?”

“They’re going to arrest me. When we go outside.”

Jason keeps yelling my name through the phone.

“She said she would give me the time.” Ivy’s eyes fill with fear.