Page 69 of Stolen Love

When I asked her what happened she told me she was still a little shaken and needed to concentrate since she was driving. Jackson was riding shotgun because he took the brunt of the attack. But that doesn’t make me feel any better about it. All that does is tell me we need more security detail. At least two men on Ivy at any given time would be a great start.

“Take a breath,” he says.

“Fucker,” I mutter under my breath. I won’t calm down until I see her with my own eyes.

There’s a noise just outside the door and then it opens and Ivy walks in. Jackson is right behind her, shutting the door and saying something about making her tea.

“Thanks.” She nods but her eyes are on me.

Probably because I’m stalking toward her.

I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist as I push her hair away from her face and run my eyes all over her. My gaze narrows on the oval prints on the sides of her neck. They’ll darken into bruises before the day is out. I run my finger over a couple of them. “West did this? I’m going to kick his ass.”

She clasps both hands to my face and forces my gaze to hers. “I’m not hurt, Rogue.”

“But you could have been.” I touch my forehead to hers. She means so much to me that the idea makes me physically ill. “I don’t know what I would have done—"

“Cousin.” Rebel coughs. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

She winces as she recoils from me.

My spine goes rigid. The way I’m holding her… it’s not how we are anymore.

Careful to keep an inch between us, I put her feet back on the floor.

The electricity of her skin against mine… I’m an addict going through withdrawal. God, I know it’s wrong, but I still want her so fucking bad.

But as long as there is a question over our family tree we will never be able to go back to what we were. Gnashing my teeth, I take one step back. And then another. “What happened?”

The ache in my chest is mirrored on Ivy’s face before she blinks it away. She turns her focus to my twin. “I could really use that cup of tea.”

Spinning on her heel, she exits the foyer.

“Better follow.” I sigh. What we need is time and space apart, but those are luxuries we can’t afford with the wolf at our door.

Rebel goes first and I trail after.

Jackson is handing Ivy a mug when we enter the room. Steam wafts over the lip and a tag on a string is twisted around the handle.


“It’s calming.” She lifts it to her mouth and sips while Jackson leaves.

I love that she believes a small bag full of plant clippings can remedy the stress she’s under. But then again my younger brother is out on the balcony rolling plant clippings from a little bag into a smoke that he believes will have the same effect.

“What did West want?” Rebel asks.

”He’s looking for Dizzy. He said I was the last person to see her.”

“It’s weird. How possessive he is of her…” That he would go after Ivy in the hopes of finding her.

“It’s next level.” Rebel shoves his hands in his pockets and rocks back on his heels.Except I’d go to the ends of the earth for Summer.

Just like I would for Ivy.Will, when I get arrested for a murder I didn’t commit. Or do whatever else it takes to protect her.

“I don’t think she was hanging around because of him.” Ivy touches the base of her throat. “I think he might be hanging around because of her. He called her his sunshine.”

She drags her lip between her teeth and chews on it.