But Ben hasn’t been back since his dad got sick. And Dizzy is still around.
It’s probably nothing. I’m just being hypervigilant because of the situation we’re in. With running into Nicole at the cemetery and then that messenger showing up. God knows what that key is supposed to be for. Or if it even really came from Ivy’s father.
There’s too much that doesn’t make sense and too much on the line to not have Jackson look into Dizzy a little more thoroughly. At least then I’ll be able to write her off as something I don’t need to worry about.
"Want to tell me why I have hives?” Rebel scowls as he itches his shoulder. “Want to explain why I started itching two days ago and haven’t been able to stop?”
“Not really, no.”It’s none of your business.At least not yet.
“If this is because you have a plan,” he says through gritted teeth.Get your head out of your ass. It’s all of our business.
He thinks I’m talking about the Hawthornes. He doesn’t have a clue that he might be well on the way to becoming an uncle.
I put my empty glass on the table. It clinks on the glass top. “Summer, you are probably not going to want to hear what I have to say next.”
“No.” She leans forward and places her glass on the table too. She hasn’t touched it. Her eyes are red rimmed with worry over Ro. Her voice is steely though. “I think I do.”
This thing with Alec and Ro is hitting her deep. Not only because she went through something similar, but because she’s the one who talked Ro into finally telling her story and pressing charges. And it wasn’t just because she loves my brother. She seriously cares about Ro.
Rebel’s gaze swings and locks with mine.As much as I’d like to hurt him, this isn’t the time.
You won’t change my mind.
He wraps an arm around her shoulder and hangs his head next to hers. “I have a feeling what we talk about next could be considered a crime. Even discussing it could be. Let me handle talking the jackass out of it.”
“I’m in,” Riot says. “No details necessary. If it hurts a Hawthorne I am so fucking there.”
Summer looks at my brother like she’s horrified. “Riot, no—”
I don’t think it’s the idea of hurting Alec that upsets her. More the way all this has worn him down. It hasn’t escaped any of us that he’s using more substances to maintain his chill. And barely managing it at that.
“It’s not happening,” Rebel says.
“So you’re the only one who gets to bloody his fists?” Riot glares at him.
Dizzy and Ivy reappear from the kitchen and then disappear toward the bedroom. Ivy still has her purse tucked under her arm with the pregnancy test secreted inside. Is she as nervous as I am? There are so many answers we need, but at least this one, I intend to have within the hour.
“Yep, okay.” Summer sighs heavily and stands. “This is one of those moments between brothers.”
“Red.” Rebel squeezes her hand.
A look passes between them that speaks volumes.
“Don’t do anything stupid,” she says to all three of us before she leaves the room.
I drop into an armchair opposite my brothers. Pouring the remains of the tequila into our glasses, I say, “I’m going to kidnap Alec Hawthorne. You’re not going to talk me out of it.”
“I am fucking glad Jason isn’t around to hear something so stupid come out of your mouth.” Rebel doesn’t even flinch. “Why? And when do you propose to do this? Marty’s funeral is the day after tomorrow and you’re constantly surrounded by the media. There is no chance of you getting anywhere near Alec, let alone kidnapping him. You’ll be arrested so fast your head will spin. And you will do serious time.”
“I didn’t say it would be easy.”
Rebel cradles his head in his hands. “You’re a fucking idiot.”
I roll my eyes. If he didn’t like the first part of my plan, he isn’t going to like the second. “There’s another problem.”
“Which is?” Riot asks.
“Nicole expects Ivy to hand herself over in five days. And since I’m not going to let that happen, I have a feeling I only have a handful of days before Nicole comes gunning for me again.”