“I won’t hurt him,” Nicole says.
She glances up at me, her eyes full of emotion. “You’ll let him live his life as though he never met me?”
“I can’t... I won’t…” Does she not get that’s not possible? She is everything to me. The sun, the moon, the fucking stars in the sky. The air I breathe and the blood that pumps through this organ in my chest. I will never ever move on… not without her, not from her.
“I will forget Rogue Maddox ever existed,” Nicole promises.
“She’s lying.” I plead with Ivy to understand. She can’t believe a word that comes out of this woman’s mouth. And even if she can… we’ll fight it.
Ivy licks her lips and swallows. “You promise?”
“No, baby.” It’s not happening. I won’t let this happen.
Nicole sighs. “I promise.”
“I need time.” Ivy’s voice brims with pain.
“If you think dragging your feet is going to change the outcome you’re mistaken,” Nicole says without a hint of emotion. “I’ve agreed to your conditions. Now you’ll do what’s expected of you.”
“Give her a day. Or two,” Nathaniel tells Nicole, his gaze on Ivy, full of sympathy that doesn’t make sense. Except for the fact that he seems to be fond of her. Perhaps even actually thinks he is in love with her.
He probably spent years grooming her for the role he imagined her in. Possibly right under her father’s nose while coating it in being a good business associate and friend.
Of course he thinks he’s in love with her. But he doesn’t even know her. He doesn’t see the real—the talented and caring and brave, sometimes ridiculously innocent, sometimes bratty deviant—person that I do. The woman who shines so brightly when she’s out from under her mother’s control. The woman I could not help but fall in love with.
He only sees the beautiful shell he hopes to manipulate into loving him.
I will never let that happen.
“Five days,” Ivy argues. It’s still plenty of time. You’re asking for my future. Let me say goodbye to my past properly.”
“Over my dead body.” I turn on my wife-to-be. “All this is bullshit. Not happening. Let them come at me. Just don’t let them tear us apart.”
“We can do that, can’t we, Nicole?” Nathaniel asks, but it’s no question. “That’s still a week until her birthday.”
Nicole rolls her eyes. Her hands flutter at her hips. “Fine. Five days, but no more.”
“Thank you,” Ivy says.
Five days to find a way to put a stop to this crazy or to say goodbye to her? It’s not enough time. No amount of time will ever be enough.
“You can’t have her,” I snarl as Nicole comes to stand right in front of us. “You won’t come between us. We will work out what you’re hiding. We will prove you killed Ivy’s dad.”
She slips her fingers from one glove and touches Ivy’s face in a gesture that would be warm if she were anyone else. Her voice is barely a murmur as she brushes a damp tendril away from Ivy’s cheek. “Ivy, my darling, if you do not come to me in five days of your own volition, I will make you. And I will have you institutionalized after the wedding. Do you understand?”
“I’ll ask you to take your hand off Miss Love now,” Jackson orders, flashing his weapon before I can raise a hand to the psychotic bitch.
She removes her hand. “Nathaniel doesn’t want that. He wants to look after you. He cares about you. But I have the power to make sure you never see the sun again. So don’t disappoint him, hmm?”
Ivy shudders.
“That’s enough,” I say frostily.
Nicole offers a pert smile as she tugs on her glove. She walks away, leaving Ivy trembling beside me.
Nathaniel falls into step beside her, but she hesitates and turns back to us. Smiles. “And whatever you’re doing that’s making you look so gaunt… keep it up, so you’ll fit in the Oscar de la Ranta gown I bought you. It will fit you perfectly. The photo spread will be gorgeous.”
Chapter Fifteen