Tugging at my collar with my finger, I lift one of the glasses to my lips and knock back the dark liquid. It burns but does nothing to clear the constriction in my chest and throat that won’t let me think, let alone say the words that they keep repeating on the news. Marty is gone.
I wasted so much time holding a grudge for what she did to us, and then I put her in danger. The scene that they’ve shown from a hundred different angles until it’s seared into my brain…I did that. I caused that.
Ivy fidgets with the locket around her neck. She curls her fingers around the small trinket again and again as her gaze flits to each of us, interspersed with the images on the TV screen. She’s barely spoken since they identified the body.
I’m supposed to comfort her. I’m supposed to walk over there and wrap my arms around her and bring her to my chest. I’m supposed to tell her that none of this is her fault. That I didn’t kill Marty and she isn’t my reason for doing so. But I can’t bring myself to do that when it feels so damn much like my fault.
I take another drink. I would take the risk again if it kept Ivy safe.
This woman holds my entire world in her hands. Possibly carries my child in her belly too. God, that was the last thing I was expecting her to tell me last night.
The timing couldn’t be worse. Even if we weren’t in the middle of what can only be described as a war, it wouldn’t be great timing. We need time, just the two of us, after everything we’ve been through. But a baby… becoming a dad…giving Ivy the loving family she craves... now that I’ve had time to get past the shock, yeah, I can imagine that. And I’ll do whatever I have to in order to keep it.
But I should have made sure Marty was protected. It was foolish on my part to agree when she told me it would be easier for her to dig unnoticed if she was alone.
“Do you think Nicole did it?” Ivy asks.
“Probably paid someone.” Riot stares at the glass he’s cradling between his knees. “Like she did with your dad.”
Some reasoning settles between my teeth, and I lock my jaw on it. Nicole is behind this and somehow I am going to make her pay for taking one of our own.
Even as I think that, though, the full weight of our helplessness pushes down on me. Whatever Marty was looking into was our only lead. Without her… where do we even begin? Vengeance is a fine idea, but we have to be realistic. All I have are a few documents that Marty emailed me that support her idea that there were pieces missing to the story of Richard Love’s death. It’s not enough to build a case from. It barely scratches the surface.
“I can’t stand it anymore.” Rebel flips through the channels but the photo Marty used next to her byline is everywhere. His brow is furrowed as tightly as his jaw as he finally stabs the off button on the remote. “This is bullshit. It can’t be her. She’s too smart to end up like that.”
Summer’s eyes are red-rimmed as she tucks herself into his side. Her hand clings protectively to his shoulder. Seeking support as much as offering it. She’d become fast friends with Marty. “But the dental records…”
Riot picks up one of the glasses I poured and carries it to the couch. His focus is glued to his phone. “They’re organizing a memorial for her. It’s on all the socials.”
“She was a celebrity in her own right. In her own way. The public love her,” Rebel says. “Her funeral will be a big deal.”
Summer sniffles and wipes at her tears as she stands. “I should know the details. It’s my job. I should be on top of it.”
Rebel catches her hand. “Red, she was your friend.”
“I… I can’t just sit here. I need to work.” She covers a sob as she hurries out of the room.
“There will be an investigation.” Jason scoops up a tumbler and takes a drink.
“If it smells like arson and looks like a murder…”
“This could be a good thing.” Jason grimaces as he stares at the dark liquid. “It’s not, of course. But you know what I mean. The investigation. If there’s any proof of wrongdoing… it’s possible it could help us with your case.”
“We don’t even know what they’re going to throw at me yet.” I doubt Nicole will leave anything up to chance though. She’s desperate to sink her claws back into Ivy.
Ivy stares quietly down at her hands, picking at her nails.
“Do you think it will help?” Rebel joins us. “Do you think you can make a damn bit of difference when this psychotic bitch is killing people we care about to prove a damn point?”
Ivy weaves in place, her hands falling limp. Her chin trembles.
“Stop it,” I snap at my twin, losing eye contact with Ivy to put him in his place.Now is not the time.You’re scaring the fuck out of her.
He glares back.She needs to understand how much danger she’s putting you in.
She’s traumatized.And she’s my priority.
“You’re doing that telepathic thing again, aren’t you?” Ivy’s shoulders gravitate toward her ears. “Because you think I can’t handle the truth. I’m putting you in danger.”