“We don’t know that.” The test could come back negative. I cover my belly with my hand.
I don’t know what terrifies me more. What the result of the test will be or that Rogue might not be happy about it if it’s positive. The timing is terrible. “We might not be pregnant.”
He looks like he wants to say something, but then changes his mind.
“I’m still calling the doctor.” He stalks into the bedroom and comes back with his phone on speaker while he waits for the doc to answer. “What do you need for me to pack for you, before I take you to the hospital?”
A moan escapes me. I truly feel awful, but the idea of going to the hospital… when the last time I spent time in one Nicole tried to force us apart. “Please don’t make me go.”
His jaw stiffens as he considers my request.
The doctor picks up. “Hello?”
“Hey, doc. Ivy has a fever. Is that going to hurt the baby?”
“Rogue, we don’t—”
He presses a finger to my lips, his gaze stern as he takes her off speaker and puts the phone to his ear. “Doc, hypothetically, is the going to hurt the baby?”
She must ask him questions because he fires back answers before he nods. “A lukewarm bath then. Tylenol. And sleep. We’ll check in tomorrow.”
When he hangs up, he places his phone on the counter. “I’ll get the Tylenol and run the bath. Are you going to be okay if I leave you for a minute?”
I nod lethargically.
Rogue turns on the water in the bath and then leaves. He comes back with a glass of water and a bottle of pills. Twisting off the cap, he tips two into my hand. “Take them.”
My throat hurts as I swallow the pills with the water. And when I shut my eyes I can still see Alec’s face as he holds up that blade. There was so much hatred in his eyes. It sends a shiver down my spine.
Rogue helps me strip out of my pajamas, then puts a cover over my cast. Looping my arms around his neck, he scoops me up and steps into the huge tub. Arranging my arm with the cast on his shoulder, he holds me as the water gushes into the tub, soothing the heat from my skin as it slowly covers us.
I settle into his chest and he strokes my hair back from my face. “Is the temperature okay?”
“Mmhmm,” I mumble, my eyes closed. His heart beats strong and steady beneath my cheek and his deep breathing relaxes me even more.
“It’s okay if you fall asleep,” he whispers in my ear. “I’ve got you. No matter what.”
What if I’m pregnant? Has he got me then? Or is he as terrified as I am?
“It’s going to be okay, baby.” He tips my chin gently. His blue eyes are such deep pools. His gaze drops to my midsection and his jaw moves when he swallows. “Whatever it is. Baby, no baby. Whatever is making you sick. It’ll be okay. I will always take care of you.”
“I love you,” I whisper. “Will love you always.”
“Nothing will come between us,” he promises. “Not Nicole. Not your brother. There is nothing that could ever make me stop loving you.”
I choose to believe him. Because I feel the same way.
Everything around us has turned to quicksand, but in his arms I feel loved. I feel safe. And I love him back just as fiercely.
I want to believe that something this right has to be strong enough to survive whatever comes next. That we’ll find a way to stop Nicole from tearing us apart. And that we’ll find a way to prove she killed my dad.
His chest vibrates as he starts to hum something that sounds a lot like a lullaby.
It’s comforting and haunting and nostalgic all at the same time. It stirs up a feeling or a memory or… whatever it is, it stays out of my reach. The harder I push to figure out its familiarity the more my head hurts. “What is that?”
“I don’t know.” He runs his hand over my hair and water droplets sprinkle over my shoulder, causing goosebumps to form on my bare skin. “I think you might have been humming it earlier. Now rest.”
Chapter Ten