Page 15 of Stolen Love

“That would be great.” Dizzy beams from ear to ear. “We’ll watch that hilarious show with the detectives who heist all the time. Adira, you’re in, aren’t you?”

Adira nods. “Summer, do you want to join us?”

“I wish I could,” she says. “But I should get back to media watch.”

“Fuck the media, Red.” Rebel wraps his arm around Summer and brings her in close. “Take a couple of hours and hang with your friends. The media circus will still be there when you come back to it. You need a little fun too.”


“I know you’re strong and capable. You haven’t slept in two days. That’s not the point. You work so hard to keep our images in order. But this mess is beyond fucked up and if you don’t take care of yourself you’ll burn out. I won’t have that. So I’m stepping in and I’m telling you to take a breath.”

“Okay.” She yawns. “I’ll concede you have a point.”

“That’s my kitten.” He smiles softly and presses his lips to hers.

“I’ll make popcorn,” Summer says when he lets her go. “Anyone else want wine?”

“Bring the whole bottle,” Dizzy says.

“Make it two bottles,” Adira says.

“How many glasses should I grab? Ivy, will you be joining us?” Summer asks.

“No wine for me. I’ll stick to tea.” I press a hand to my belly. “I don’t think my stomach could handle anything harder.”

Summer disappears into the kitchen with Rebel and Riot in tow.

“I’ll be back soon.” Rogue touches his lips to my temple before he follows them out of the room.

Adira wraps his arm around me and guides me over to the couch. “After that scare, I for one could use a little pampering. My heart is still pounding.”

Mine too. “I’m sorry I scared you.”

“How about a facial and mani-pedi while we chillax?” Adira squeezes my shoulder. “You need a little normal to center you. In fact, it’s exactly what the doctor ordered, I believe.”

“She did tell me to try and rest.” This would be one way to follow those orders. Though I don’t expect I’ll actually relax. But it can’t hurt to try. It’s not like we have a plan on how to deal with Nicole anyway. Not yet. Not tonight.

If we don’t work out how to bring down Nicole, who knows how many nights with my friends I’ll have left. Friends, other than Adira, that I’m only just getting to know again since I have no memory from before. Friends that know this version of me… not the shy person I used to be. And the idea of saying goodbye to them… of being alone again… I hate it.

“I’ll collect everything we’ll need.” Adira swans out of the room.

Dizzy kicks off her heels and takes a seat beside me. She tugs at her skirt. “Did the doctor have any clue why you’ve been so sick?”

“Not really. We’re waiting for test results.” I rub the lines in my forehead. “How did you know the doctor was here?”

“Jackson mentioned it when he let me in.” She crosses her legs and leans in my direction, her brow gathering tightly in the middle. “Does she think it’s serious? Are you going to be okay?”

“I think so.” I reach back and gingerly touch the spot where I thumped my head against the wall.

There’d been something in that split second… my whole body reacted like the danger was far worse than it actually was. I didn’t think I hit my head that hard, but the sweet bloom of an ache that makes me wince says otherwise.

“Ivy, what is it?” Dizzy lifts her hand and the pink diamonds on her gold bracelets glitter as they slide down. A horizontal welt half an inch thick runs across the inside of her wrist. The skin there is marbled in yellow and green.

I reach out and grip her elbow. “What is that?”

“Oh.” She glances at the welt and licks her lips. A smile tugs at the corners of her glossed lips. “I wouldn’t do what I was told so West chained me up in the basement of his club. He told me he wouldn't let me out again until I learned to be a good girl. He’s going to be so surprised when he finds me gone.”

“Your brother did that to you?” I touch my throat as my heart beats wonky. That’s why I haven’t been able to contact her in days.