“If you could take that to the bathroom we’ll be able to do a test right here and now.”
“But it’s not…”
“Possible?” She focuses on me. “You are sexually active, correct?”
“Yes, but…” I’m not pregnant. There’s no way. I’m not even late. Only… I don’t actually remember when I had my period last. And that info doesn’t seem to be on my calendar. Or at least not that I’ve noticed. “I’m on birth control.”
“Sometimes birth control fails.” Her posture softens. She smiles at me sympathetically.
“I guess.” A baby? That’s not something I’m ready for. How on earth will I tell Rogue if that’s why I’ve been so sick?
“If you’re not… then at least we’ve ruled it out,” she says.
My stomach churns as I take the cup into the bathroom, but my senses are so heightened that I can’t actually pee. Of course I’d get stage fright over something like this.
Okay, I can do this. I’ll just pretend I’m wearing bunny ears, and peeing with a doctor waiting to run a pregnancy test is a normal Tuesday.
Eventually I give up. It’s not going to happen. I return without the empty cup. “I’m sorry, I can’t.”
“That’s okay,” she says. “We can still run a test with the rest of your labs.”
Sitting on the edge of the bed, I push the long sleeves on my pajamas up past my elbows. She takes her time finding a vein before she fills several vials with my blood. “It seems you’re a little dehydrated. I’m going to suggest plenty of fluids and electrolytes. That and plenty of rest should help you feel a bit better while we wait for the results.”
“I’ll do that.” I pull my sleeves back down and grip the edge of the mattress. Although I don’t know how I’m supposed to rest while my family is causing drama. And knowing I’m possibly pregnant.
“It’ll take at least a day, perhaps two, to get your results back,” she says as she packs up her bag.
“But it could just be stress? With the media and…” I lift my wrist, still in a cast.
“There’s always a possibility,” she says. “But let’s wait for the blood tests. Then we’ll have a much better idea of what we’re dealing with.”
“Thank you.” I walk her to the door of the bedroom.
“If you get worse or you faint again I want you to go straight to the ER and have Rogue call me,” she orders. “He has my number.”
Rogue is waiting on the threshold. I’m sure he’s been pacing the entire time I was with the doctor. His hair is all tugged up on one side.
He takes one look at my face and his eyes fill with worry. “What is it?”
“Nothing serious.” I press my hand to his chest.
“I’ll take my leave now,” the doctor says as she passes us. “I know my way out. I’ll have my office call with the results. Make sure she rests.”
“Thank you, Doc.” Rogue doesn’t take his eyes off me as she walks away. “Tests? What does she think it is?”
I rub my lips together. I can’t be pregnant. So there’s no point in making it a thing. “She agreed it is most likely stress.”
“Well, that’s good news.” His face brightens and his lips tip up in the corners. He cups my face and presses his lips to my forehead. “Perhaps notgoodnews, but at least it’s nothing serious.”
“Mmm.” Unless I am pregnant. That’s pretty serious.
Rogue’s fingers subtly tighten at my waist. “Did she prescribe anything?”
“No. Not yet. We’re waiting on test results.”
“All right. Then let’s get you set up to rest then.” He moves his lips to my ear. Even though I can’t see his mouth I can tell by the way his breath stirs against my skin that he smiles wickedly. “Perhaps I can do a little something with my tongue to help relax you before bed.”
My body bows to his as need pools in my belly. It never gets old… the way I react to him.