Page 9 of Sexy Bad Escort

“I’m texting you the meeting point rightnow.” Her head is bowed over her phone, and she’s tapping on thescreen with both thumbs. Guess I’m not going to find out herdeepest, darkest secrets tonight.

My phone buzzes, and I pull it out of mypocket. The coordinates are to Topgolf Wood Dale. Sweet.

“She’s going to want to sleep with you,”Ronnie says, pulling me from my fantasy of making the perfectswing, time and time again. My golf fantasies rival my sexfantasies. Unfortunately, I don’t get much real-life practice witheither one.

“Now that’s the way I like to start adate.”

“This isn’t a date, Danny. It’s business.”She’s irritated, but then again, she’s almost always irritated withme.

“But the nature of the business is dating,”I point out.

She grinds her teeth and wrinkles her noseand it takes another five years off her appearance. There are somany fascinating facets to this woman. I’ve experienced her downand dirty, barking orders as she sets up backyard weddings for herbrothers. I’ve witnessed her as an elegant bridesmaid. I’ve evenmet businesswoman Ronnie, wearing a pencil skirt and high-heeledMary Janes that definitely enhanced my fantasies that particularevening.

Apparently I have a thing for ladies’footwear. Or maybe Ronnie’s footwear. I glance down at herrhinestone-studded flip-flops, showing off the iridescent purplecolor on her toes.

“If you do sleep with her, I’m doubling thefee.”

I frown. “I’m not keen on getting paid tosleep with women.”

She rolls her eyes and throws a hand in theair. “You have literally no scruples, and you’re suddenly havingissues with this businessyouwanted to start, by theway?”

“First of all, I do have scruples. Just notquite as many or as strict as most people. And second, the businessis Rent-A-Date, not Rent-A-Sex.”

“It’s Rent-A-Danny, actually, and are youseriously turning down the possibility of getting laid? Here, letme show you a picture of your date, so you understand whatyou’re—”

I push her phone away. “You’re missing thepoint, but whatever. Fine. I’ll sleep with her. Anything else Ineed to know about tonight’s appointment?”

Now she’s sputtering, trying to form wordsand failing. Her face is red and her eyes are wide, like she’sinsulted by what I’ve said. Ronnie Frost is a hell of aconundrum.

“I didn’t say you have to sleep with her,”she clarifies. “I’m only warning you that she’ll want to. And she’sway more assertive than Yvonne, who let you off with nothing morethan a peck on the cheek on her doorstep.”

I grin. “She told you that, huh?” I knewdamn well Yvonne wanted me to go upstairs to her apartment withher, but she was still smarting over her recent breakup. She wouldhave regretted the decision before we got to second base, and Icouldn’t do that to her. She’s a nice girl, and she deserves a lotmore than I’d ever be able to give her. Since, well, that wouldhave been approximately two hours of my time.

“Yeah, surprised the hell out of me. But Isuppose you were all worn out from jacking off while talking to meon the phone that morning.”

I chuckle. “Darling Ronnie, whacking mywanker is a prelude. I’m always ready for action involving twopeople instead of one. We can head up to your room and I’ll giveyou a demonstration, if you’d like.” I wave at the elevator behindher. Her eyes widen again as she shifts to the side, like she’sworried she might accidentally back up through those open doors andend up between the sheets with me. But then she stops moving so shecan give my shoulder a shove.

“Just go. She’s expecting you within thehour.”

Game over. For the moment, anyway. “Okay,can you give me any details? Like her name, maybe?”

“Oh, right.” She blows out the breath Ithink she’s been holding, maybe expecting me to try harder to gether upstairs and naked. The idea has merit. A lot of it.

But duty calls.

“Her name is Sarah Quincy. She’s a friend ofYvonne’s. Apparently, Yvonne is already spreading the word aboutour new business. Anyway, it’s her brother’s engagement party. Youare her date, and your objective is to fend off her family, whodon’t understand how her younger brother got tied down first.”

“Wow, what a stupid thing to harp on.”

“Agreed. She almost succumbed to theirwishes a few years ago, until she caught her fiancé banging anotherwoman at a New Year’s party. Now she’s into short-term, mutuallybeneficial relationships with terms that are clearly spelled out inadvance. And one of the rules is no family functions. Which iswhere you come in.”

“Got it,” I say, rubbing my handstogether.

“There’s a coffee shop across the streetfrom Topgolf. You’re to meet her there, so you can walk into theparty together.”

I hold out my hand, like I want to shake.Ronnie gives it a dubious look before sliding her own into mine. Iuse the connection to pull her close, so that she bumps into mybody. I savor the brief contact and the glimpse down the front ofher shirt—she’s wearing a bra this time—and then I bend my head somy lips are next to her ear. “I’m all over it,” I whisper,fluttering the fine hairs there. She shivers, and I let her gobefore strutting toward the door.

“Text me when you’re done,” she calls out,and I lift my arm to wave without turning around.