I knowthis isn’t true about Mike, the guy we’re talking about. WhenIspoke to him on thephone earlier, I could hear the despair in his voice. The guy iscrazy about Sylvia. Insane. Over the top. Like, he’s probablyplanning to rent one of those airplanes with a streamer hooked tothe back, which will announce to the whole damn world that he’s inlove with this girl, all twelve pants sizes of her.
“Heinsists he’s not,” shesays, sighing again. “And to be honest, I don’t think he cares. Hetells me I’m beautiful all the time. And it’s, like, sincere. I canhear it in his voice, see it in his eyes.”
I shakemy head. “Notseeing theissue here.”
Shewaves her handimpatiently. “It’s not about what he thinks. It’s the rest of theworld. As soon as he signs a record deal—which could be very soon,since I’ve spotted at least three execs here tonight—he’s going toleave me in the dust. There’s an expectation of musicians, youknow.”
“Thatthey produce qualityrecords?”
“Don’t beobtuse.” She sounds so much like Ronnie, I smile, but it quicklyfades as I lean over the table and place my hand on her arm.
“Listento me, Sylvia. I happen to know Mike. And I can saywith absolute certaintythat he loves you, regardless of your pants size. In fact, I’dwager he likes it better that you aren’t a waif, because that’smore skin for him to lick. And guys like to lick their girl’s skin.Trust me on this.”
Sheshifts her focus to me,but she’s still frowning.
“Theother thing that guyswho are in love do is not compare their girl to other women.Someone who is as in love as Mike is doesn’t evenseeother women.”
Shegnaws on her bottom lip, her gaze strayingback to the man on stage.
“Mikewants this relationship to work, Sylvia. For the long term. But it won’t, if you don’twant it to.”
“I do,” shesays instantly.
I giveher arm a squeeze. “Then you have to figure out how to believe inyourself. Because he does. He’s ready whenever you decide to respect yourself enough tobelieve the two of you can make it work, no matter the externalcircumstances.”
Sheglances down at her body. “I do respect myself. I’ve never doubtedmyself until I started dating him. And it wasn’t evenhim; it was other peoplein his circle, telling me how it’s supposed to be. What sort ofwoman he’s supposed to date.”
“If you trulyrespect yourself, you aren’t going to let them into your head. Theyaren’t in your bed, are they?”
“Of coursenot.”
“Thenwhyare you letting theminto your head?”
“Um…” She startsrubbing her hands together, like she’s just put lotion onthem.
The setcomes to an end and the crowd is on their feet, clapping andwhistling and shouting for more. Mike stands andsays into the microphone, “Okay, okay,you’ll get another set. I just need to take a short break. I’ll beback in ten.”
He jumps offthe stage and locks his gaze onto Sylvia’s back as he stridestoward us. Uh-oh. Not sure I’m going to get my bonus out of thisone.
“Hey,Syl,” he says, reachingout and touching her shoulder. “I’m glad you came to theshow.”
“I wouldn’tmiss it,” she whispers, staring up at him with big doe eyes and aquiver in her lip.
“I’ve missedyou,” he says.
“I’m sorry,”she blurts. “I was scared.”
Sheglances at me through herlashes. Mike shoots me a confused look.
“Mydemons,” she says. “But I think I’ve got them under control now. Orat least, I’m going to work really hard on it. Because it sucks notbeing with you. I don’t want to be brokenup anymore.”
“Meneither,” he says, andhe pulls her out of the chair and into his arms. The patrons at thesurrounding tables clap and Mike laughs. “My girlfriend,” he callsout to the crowd. “We just got back together.”
Wolfwhistles accompany more clapping, and a few people start banging on the tabletops. Mikeapparently takes that as a cue and cups Sylvia’s face beforetreating his fans to a hell of a makeup kiss.
Andthat’s awrap.