Page 44 of Sexy Bad Escort

“Okay,okay.” Danny grabs her arms and gently guides her back. “How about we find you somewater and somewhere to sit?”

“I’dlove to sit. My feet are killing me, but switch out the water for champagne.” She sways,but Danny has a good hold on her.

“I’llget the wa-champagne,” I say, alreadytargeting a waiter with both bottled water andchampagne flutes.

“We’llbe over there,” he says pointing to one of the tableswhere a few people arecongregated before wrapping an arm around her waist. “Come on,Felicity. Let’s walk before we fall asleep.”

It takesme a few minutes to snag a glass of champagne and a bottle ofwater. The champagne goes down my throat. A rewardfor dealing withFelicity in her current state. And the water goes into the flutebefore I discard the evidence of my trickery. I pop it down on thetable in front of her.

Dannygives me a half smile that sayssorryandfuck, I’m luckyall at the same time before tapping Felicity’s arm. Shegroans and opens her eyes. “Champagne? Awesome. But maybe I shouldswitch to water next.”

“That soundslike a good idea,” Danny says.

“Felicity. Are you okay?” One of the otherbridesmaids—same outfit,different level of tipsy—hovers over her friend.

“She’shad a bit too much to drink,” I say. “She should drink some water,pop a coupleofpainkillers, and get some sleep.”

“Do Iknow you?” the girl asks. “I thought I knew everyone heretonight.”

“It’sDanny,” Felicity manages. “Remember I told you abouthim.”

“You’re therelationship guru?” She gives him the once over, her dark browsdrawing tight over equally dark eyes. “Are you here with one of theguests?”

“We shouldgo,” I say to Danny.

“Don’t be silly,”Felicity says. “He’s here with his manager.”

“I take ityou’re the manager?” She’s starting to get suspicious. This mightgo south in a hurry.

“She’s mygirlfriend,” Danny says, getting up.

“Girlfriend?” Felicity squeaks. I’d almostforgotten she did that.“So you do know about the sex. You’re so lucky.”

“W-what?Girlfriend?” I stareathim, my mouth hanging open. I almost glance around to see ifthere’s another woman who might be more girlfriend material than Iam.

“Yeah.”He shrugs, butit’sanything but uncaring. “If that’s okay with you?”

“Um. Yeah.That’s okay with me.”

“I think youtwo should go now.” Felicity groans. “Before anyone realizes you’renot supposed to be here.”

“I knew it,”the other bridesmaid says.

“Make arun for it?” Dannyasks.

I’mwearing heels, butwhat’s life without adventure? I slip my hand into his. “Let’sgo.”

We runacross the dancefloor,past the couches and open bar, where Danny snags a bottle ofchampagne. Through the lights and top hats. We don’t stop until wehit the road, which is where we realize we’ll have to call an Uberand bribe him to pick up a pizza on the way.

Sitting on theside of the road, we try to catch our breath.

“Sowe’re doing this?” I lean against his shoulder as he pops thecork free from thebottle. “We’re actually going to try a relationship?”

He takesa swig andhands me thebottle. “Don’t think I have it in me?”

“Do youthink I do?”I take along pull from the neck.

He restshis jaw in my hair, hishot breath making my scalp prickle and my insides tighten. “Howabout we find out together?”