Page 37 of Sexy Bad Escort

Thewoman nods, and herdouble chins jiggle before she busies herself with ourorder.

“Yourfamily loves Danny. That’s good,” Joe says once the server is doneand we’re walking back. His brow puckers a little, and there’s anote of sorrow in his voice. “Great, actually. And you? You’re justfriends?”

“Yep.” Isip the bitter liquid because I don’t know what to sayor even what the answer to thatquestion is. Are we just friends who work and sleep together?Because it doesn’t feel like it anymore. But I don’t want toelaborate with this man who is a stranger, and who, as far as Iknow, doesn’t have a good relationship with his brother.

Althoughthat is a question Iwant to ask. Why can’t they see what a great guy he is? Justbecause his skills lie in helping people get in touch with theirfeelings shouldn’t be a reason for them to look down on him likehe’s not good enough.

“Sureyou’re not something a littlemore...”

“I don’t seehow any of this is your business.”

“You’reright. It’s not.” Hestops outside their mom’s room and rests against the wall. Hisshoulders caving, he exhales. “Danny’s life is none of my business.It hasn’t been in years. We haven’t been in touch, and I...” Hescrubs his hand over his face and lets it drop to his side. “I wantto know how my little brother is. I want to know that he has greatpeople in his life and he’s doing well for himself.”

I’m kindof sorry for the guy. He’s missed out on a lot of his brother’s life, and he clearlywishes he hadn’t. I can’t imagine what that must be like. Even whenI lived in New York away from my family, we were close-knit.Garrett and James both visited whenever they were nearby. Momconstantly called me. We’re not like Danny’s family at all. “Whydon’t you ask him how he is?”

Hechuckles dryly, like the idea is ridiculous. “You ever tried to have a conversation withhim that he doesn’t want to have? Everything’s a damn joke. I don’tknow how to talk to him. And that’s if he wanted to talk to me atall.”

“It’snot my place to get involved.” But I want to. I want to tell Joethat his brother is a wonderful guy and how we’ve started a business together and how he’sgot my niece wrapped around his finger and maybe me, too. I want totell him that what he lacks in athletic ability he more than makesup for in sensitivity, and how talented a lover he is. Okay, maybeI don’t want to tell him that much detail. But I want him tounderstand how much Danny means to me and to my family, even if hisown family can’t see how much he’s worth. I want them to want Dannyin their lives as much as I do.

“Iknow.” He rests his head against the wall and stares at the ceiling. “I just thoughtmaybe you would tell me how he’s really doing. Or maybe you couldget him to talk to me. I’d like to have a relationship with mybrother again.”


“Look, Ishould have tried harder to keepin contact with him when he and Dad stoppedtalking. I guess I figured there was always time.” He glances atthe door to the room. “I don’t know my own brother anymore, and Ineed to find a way to fix that.”

“You shouldtell him that.”

“I washoping that maybe youmight consider talking to him about it first. We’ve alwaysstruggled with communicating. It’s like we speak two differentlanguages. I think he’s a lot more likely to listen to you than meat this point. Maybe you could help us reconnect.” He moves fromthe wall and comes closer. “What do you think?”

I’m nota meddler, but I can’timagine being in his and Danny’s situation. My brothers are alldifferent—the jock, the tech-head, the real-estate mogul— but beingtogether comes easily. I wish Danny could have that too. I’m prettysure that seeing his mom in the hospital has him thinking about ittoo. So if I can help... “Oh God, I’m turning into mymother.”


“Nothing, never mind.”Cynthia Frost would march right into that room and starttrying to make this family talk to each other the minute she knewthere was any chance they could reconnect. She’d want Danny, aspart of our family, to have the opportunity to be happy as part ofhis own family because that’s how much the woman cares. I can’tbelieve I’m considering acting like my mother. For the man I’msleeping with, no less. “I need to think about it.”

“That’sall I can ask.” He takes his phone out of his pocket. “How about weexchange numbers? Thatway you can let me know.”

“Okay.”I tellhim my number and he calls it. My phone starts to ring.

Dannywalks out ofthe roombehind us while my phone is still ringing. He drags his handthrough his hair, his jaw tense. There’s a pissed off glint to hisgaze as the noise my phone is making dies abruptly and his brothertucks his phone back into his pocket. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing.” Idart a glance at Joe, who shrugs.

“We were justtalking about her brother. The golfer.”

“His name isGarrett.”

“Right. He madethe cut. Going to play in the U.S. Open.”

Dannyglares at his brother before he shutters his expression.“I know. He’s the only jock Ilike.”

Joeshuts his mouth,apained look crossing his features that makes him look as worn asDanny does right now.

“Mom’sawake,” Danny says, his tone softening. “She’s doing better thanlast night. Dad’s in there withher now. Filling her in on his predictions for the upcomingfootball season.”

“Well, Ibetter get in there,”Joe says. “It was nice talking to you, Ronnie. Are you stickingaround, Danny?”

“I’ll beback later. I have a swearing bird to feed. Forgot to do itbefore we came in.”