We’reright around the corner from where the rest of her family isgathered. If someone hasto go to the bathroom, they’ll walk past us to get there. If shedoesn’t want them to believe we’re together, feeling me up whilewe’re leaning against the wall in Paynter and Chloe’s foyer isprobably not the wisest move.
“Feel all youwant,” I croak.
Shestrokes her hands higher, over my pecs, my hardened nipples.This had better not be aprelude to an intelligent conversation, because I can’t concentratebeyond,Please, more, more, more.
“Butonly if I can too,” I add before cupping her thigh andthen sliding my hand up, underher skirt.
“Ohplease, yes,” Ronnie whispers, her gaze onmy face. She widens her stance, and I cupher ass, my fingers teasing between her cheeks. Her thong isdrenched. Her breath is coming in short pants, and she’s clutchingmy bicep so tightly she’s probably going to leavebruises.
Caution,reality, reason—it’s alltossed to the wind. I have no interest in talking anymore. I wantaction. And based on the way she’s looking up at me while clutchingmy arm and rocking her hips, we’re on the samewavelength.
No way can Ideny this woman.
Slipping myfingers underneath the sliver of material, I glide them through herwetness until I reach her clit, and then I swirl ’round and ’rounduntil she whimpers and her knees buckle. I wrap the other armaround her waist to hold her up while relentlessly finger-fuckingher. She’s riding my hand, her hips moving like we’re having sex,and God, I hope this is a prelude tothat, because I would give damn near anything to feel thattight, wet pussy wrapped around my hard cock.
Her eyesare squeezed shut, she’sbiting her bottom lip, and then she gasps and says, “Danny. Danny.Danny.” Hearing my fantasy woman chant my name while she comes allover my fingers is enough to make me damn near explode on thespot.
InsteadI keep pumping, slowing my pace while she gradually comes downfrom her orgasm. That’swhen I notice something is rubbing against my leg. Not Ronnie. It’ssoft, furry, and—“Hey!” I glance down at Spot the goat.
He’snibbling atthe hem ofmy shorts. Ronnie’s utterly clueless, still basking in theafterglow. But somehow, my brain manages to function, and I knowthat where there’s this goat, there’s a…
“Spot! Spot,where are you? Uncle Paynt says you’ll eat the afghan if you’re inhere alone. Oh. Hey, Uncle Danny. Why’s your hand underneath AuntRonnie’s skirt?”
Oh God, thisis awkward.Almost as bad as that time when I was fifteen and Dadwalked into the kitchen to find me in a similar position with BobbyKimmel. No, this is worse. Because my bright-eyed niece is bothintuitive and too little to understand how to keep a secret. Whichmeans in about five minutes, my entire family will hear about howshe caught Danny with his hand under my skirt. Garrett’s going tokill either me or Danny. No, definitely me. Because up until now heprobably believed I had some common sense.
“Well, um...”Danny peels his hand from between my thighs and shoves it into thepocket of his shorts. “I was trying to help Auntie Ronnie find...”He glances at me for help.
“Aspider.” My pulse is still racing, and I can’t get my breathingunder control. It’s not all because Abby’s staring at me. It’s notall because I just orgasmed around Danny’s fingers. Which, by theway, wasn’t what I anticipated when he suggested we talk. Was itwhat he expected? No, I started this. I haven’t been able to putthat kiss out of my head since it happened. I couldn’t keep myhands to myself. His shirt is still bunched tightly in my fist. Ilet it go, but the material is creased so I try to pat itflat.
“Right.”His eyes crinkle. “There was a spider.”
Ishrug. Itwas the first thing I thought of.“It crawled up my leg and under my skirt and UncleDanny was just trying to help me catch it.”
“Was itbig?” Abby runs up to me and grabs thehem of my dress, lifting it. “Can I see? Erindoesn’t like spidees. They make her scream. But I like the way theywiggle. They’re so funny.”
I clapmy hands downon theskirt of my dress before she can hike it over her head. My pantiesare still askew. “Um, no. It’s not there anymore.”
Sheturns her attention toDanny. “Did you catch it? Can I see?”
“I caught it.”He grins and winks at me.
“Show me. Showme.” Abby squeals and claps her hands while she bounces on theballs of her feet. “I want to see the spidee.”
“Sorry,Abby girl, it escaped me.” Danny glances around as though searchingfor it. “It’s probably around here somewhere.”
“Waituntil Itell Erin about the spidee.” Abby spins around, Spot on her heels,and races around the corner as fast as her little legs will carryher.
“Dead.”I cover my face withmyhands. “I am so dead. Garrett’s going to revoke my auntieprivileges. I can’t believe—”
“Thatyou did that with me?”
I dropmy hands from my facetofind him staring at me, his forehead between his brows bunchedtight. I started it, so it makes no sense that he would assume Iregret it. Although I have been avoiding him, which isn’t easy tohide when we work together, so I guess I can see the logic. Hell,up until the moment I saw him tonight I had every intention ofignoring the attraction blossoming between us. Even if I haven’tbeen able to get my mind off it since the kiss. I told myself I wasonly going to act like we were together enough to keep my motheroff my back, but my reactions to him are all real. “No. That we didthat here. That we got caught.”
“He did what?”Garrett’s voice booms through the open door.