“It’s just that convincing you was a helluvalot easier than I expected it to be.”
“It’s a good idea,” I tell him.
“You really think so?”
“I do. I can think of a dozen women off thetop of my head who would pay for your services. And you alreadyhave Yvonne’s glowing recommendation. We’ll need to work out amarketing campaign and—”
“We should have dinner to go over thedetails,” he says. “You, me, and your hot little Amex. Fly back forthe weekend?”
“My hot little Amex?” And he’s back toregular, never-not-joking Danny.
“Yeah. Afterward we can go back to my placeto sign the contract. Or bang. Or both.”
“Pick me up from the airport on Friday.”
“Seriously?” He purrs. “You know I alwayspicture you wearing a red thong. How about you wear the one you’vegot on now so when we bang, all my fantasies will come true.”
“Oh my God. There’s not a single person inthis universe that line will work on.”
“Well, actually—”
“Danny,” I shriek. I force my voice back toits lower, steadier tone as I pull the waist of my stretchy skirtenough to catch a glimpse of my underwear. How could he possiblyhave known? “I have never worn a red thong in my life, so you canbanish that ridiculous fantasy right now. There will be nohanky-panky.”
“I like it when you’re bossy,” he says.“You’ve got a very sexy voice.”
“Jesus, Danny.” I jump up and put the deskphone in the box too. “We are not having a repeat of the othermorning. Just pick me up.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Oh, and don’t tell Erin. I’m not ready formy family to know.”
“Gotcha,” he says. “It’ll be our own littlecovert operation.”
“Thanks.” I sigh. I’m not ready to tell themthat I was fired. Quit. Whatever. This would never happen toGarrett, James, or Paynt. They’ll probably want to fix it or offerme a job to tide me over. No, thank you.
“See you on Friday. Text me when you knowthe details. And if you need a place to crash for the weekend,you’re always welcome in my bed.”
“That’s not going to happen. You and I arenever going to happen.”
He chuckles. “A man can dream.”
“And he can keep dreaming.”
“All right. I’ll see you then.” He hangs up,and I yank the cords out of the socket and bundle them into the boxtoo.
Picking up the box, I make my way to thedoor before giving the space that was my office one last glance. Iused to believe that if I tried hard enough to carve myself a nookin a field I was good at, it would be enough. But it isn’t. Notwhen there are people like Carl Blue involved. Still, I’ll missthis place, even though part of me wants to set it all on fire.
I take a cleansing breath. I just agreed togo into business with a man who can’t be serious to save himself.And why? Why did I do that? Because if nothing else it will be fun.A challenge, too. I’m moving right into a male-dominated industry,and I’m going to succeed, damn it. I can just imagine the reactionsfrom my brothers if they found out. Their only sister practicallygiving a middle finger to the male hierarchy and doing something asoff-kilter as being a pimp. My mother would probably need to betreated for shock. Her perfect expectations for me would bedashed.
My assistant, a talented woman in her ownright, walks into the room. Her eyes widen as she glances at themess and gives me a sympathetic smile. “We’ll miss you, Ronnie. Ifyou need an assistant when you get settled elsewhere…”
“I’ll give you a call.” I march past her andout of Pascal Design and Décor.
The office girls cheer me as I passthem.
Carl stands on the pavement out front. Myvery own leaving party. Smoke from the Camel Light in his handwafts with the breeze. Not going to miss that smell at all. Hedrops the butt on the concrete and crushes it with the heel of hiswingtip as he leers at me. “Going to miss you, sweet cheeks.”
Moving the box under one arm, I flip him thebird as I walk to the waiting Uber.