“Ididn’t know they’d be here. You didn’t tell me.” I swishthe dishrag over thelast cup and place it on the draining board. “Mom, do we have to dothis every time I come home?”
“Whatare we doing, love?” Shegets out the ClingWrap and starts covering the Danishes. What’sleft of them after Danny got to them anyway, which isn’t much. I’dwatched him shovel about six of her pastries into his mouth oneafter the other. No idea where he puts all the food heeats.
“Tryingto set me up with the neighbor. Or whoever you can find.” I dry myhands with a tea towel and lean against the counter. This kitchen always smells likedesserts. Warmth settles in my chest. We used to bake together alot when I was growing up. Used to imagine that I would be doingthe same thing for my own family one day. I also used to imagine myname would be synonymous with home décor. Once I had my careerwhere I wanted it, then I would worry about settling down. Justlike James and Garrett. Now I’m starting from scratch.
“Ben’s anice guy. He’s settled. Responsible. He’s a homeowner.”
“Mom,” I whine.“I don’t need your help with my love life. I can manage just fineon my own.”
“Yes. Just aswell as James and Garrett and Paynt. You didn’t try to set them up,did you?”
“Actually, I did. But James was always in love with Myra. Hejust didn’t know it. AndGarrett had to find his own way. Paynt—”
“Whycan’t youleave me to find my own way too? Especially now. I’ve just movedback. I need to settle into my new apartment and my newjob.”
“Yournew job? You’re livinghere?” She gapes at me. “You moved home?”
“Yes.” Ifold the tea towel and hang it over the cupboard door before picking up the pastries toput them in the pantry. “I quit Pascal Design. There was no futurein it.”
“That’sgreat. Your dad and I have always hoped you’d movecloser. We miss you somuch.”
“Well,I’min the same citynow. Close by. I’ll visit more. If you don’t try to set me up everytime I do.”
“Honey, I justwant you to be happy. Not alone. Life is easier with someone toshare it.”
“Sorryto interrupt,” Ben saysfrom the doorway. “I just wanted to say thank you again forhaving us. But it’s time I get these kids home for theirbaths.”
“Sure.Anytime. You’re always welcome,” Mom gushes. She clearly misses having people to fussover. “If you need anything, any help with the children, just letme know.”
“Thanks,” he says, staring over her head at me. “It was nice to meet you,Veronica.”
“Likewise.” I hug my arms around my waist,all of a sudden awfullysubconscious about my clothing choices.
“You twoseemed to hit it off,”my mother says as she and Ben leave the kitchen. “Maybe we can dothis again.”
“Unbelievable.” Apparently she can’t help herself.
“Ben, huh?” Dannywanders into the kitchen and straight to the pantry, only toreappear a few seconds later with another pastry. He wiggles hisbushy eyebrows. “What a man.”
“Yeah.” Icross my feet at the ankles and glance out the window where mymother is still talking to her new best friend. “Maybe my mothershould date him.”
Dannychortles. “Don’t know that yourdad would approve.”
“Probably not.” His humor is contagious.It lifts the weight off my shoulders. Idon’t want to disappoint my mother. She just doesn’t understand whyI don’t want to be like her. I want more. I want to be more. Why isthat so much easier for her to accept when it comes to mybrothers?
“I thinkshe’s giving him yournumber.” Danny strides over to stand beside me as we watch Ben typesomething into his phone.
“Great. Justgreat.”
“You’rehot, Ronnie. He’s got two kids and the woman he loved is dead. Heisn’t looking to date you. That’s your mother’s wishfulthinking.”
Ugh.Maybe I should have worn pearls and a sundress. Pretended I wasinterested. Given him aversion of me that might have made him think I was after somethingserious. Not that it really matters what he thinks of me. It justwould have been easier if I could have scared him off. What reallywould have worked was explaining my job—he’d have scooped up hiskids and departed in a hurry.
“She’s going tohound me to go out with him.” I blow out a breath. “I can’t screwmy mother’s neighbor. Shit.”
“She’son her way back,” he says. “Her eyes are glowing. Seriously. She’sthat happy about the idea of you and Mr.All-American.”