“A little.” Enough to immediately wish I had asked her to leave. I put my glass down on the counter. “What are you doing here?”

“A little birdie told me Nox had a new girlfriend. Didn’t realize you were the woman he married in Vegas though. Two years. You’ve been together a while.” She glances at the papers again. “You’re smart. Getting out. Nox is a sweet guy, but he’s going to be stuck in this town trying to resurrect his broken past for the rest of his life. The only way he’ll get anywhere is if he sells that building, or someone cuts him a huge check based on his looks.”

“Someone cuts him a check?” Liv said the same thing just a couple days. That she would cut him a check if she thought it would help. But no, she wouldn’t actually do that. Would she? She’s been very invested from the moment she realized he was my husband. No, just no. It isn’t the first time these last few weeks that Liv’s suggested she’d stick her nose in if she thought it was worthwhile. But Nox...

“I’m kidding. He is gorgeous though, isn’t he? And charming. Hard to resist.”

Hard to say no to. Hard not to believe in. But we were strangers when I showed up here and he refused to sign the papers. His reasons for us staying together in the beginning didn’t make sense and nothing I did changed his mind. The path my brain is on makes my stomach hurt. Because it can’t be right. “I... think you should leave.”

“Oh. I’m not interested in winning him back if that’s what you’re thinking. Although I thought you were separating.” She glances at the papers again. “I just thought, between us girls, you might be able to talk him into helping himself and selling the Casey Records building. He never would listen to me on the matter.”

“Hey babe, I’m home,” Nox calls out as he enters the cabin.

“Oh, isn’t that cute?” Lena smiles. “Like a 1950s sitcom.”

“Who’s our visitor?” He comes to an abrupt halt as he spots us. “Lena. What are you doing here?”

“Nox.” She glides toward him and kisses him on both cheeks. “You look well. Really great.”

“Lena.” There’s a no-nonsense edge to his voice, and he growls under his breath as he removes her hands from his shoulders.

She acts as though she doesn’t notice that the temperature in the room has dropped as she grins back at me. “Your wife is lovely. I’m so glad you’re doing so well after we... how long has it been? Two years? Almost two years?”

“Right.” He walks around her to me. “Everything okay?”

They were together almost two years ago? Just before we married? God, please don’t tell me it was after. No, it had to be before because Nox gave me the ring. But marrying me, was it because of her? Staying married because Liv made an offer he couldn’t refuse. Is everything between us all smoke and mirrors? “She took me by surprise, that’s all. She let herself in.”

“You still keep the key in exactly the same place.” She lifts one delicate, angular shoulder. “It’s nice really. That you haven’t changed at all. You’re so rock solid and dependable.” She turns to me. “It must be nice to know you have a man like that in your corner. So unshakable. So determined to do whatever it takes.”

“What do you want?” he asks her through gritted teeth.

“You two really are so adorable,” she says.

“Lena,” he warns.

“Nothing. I don’t want anything.” She puts her palms out in front of her, causing her bangles to rattle. “I’m in town for a little bit, and I wanted to let you know in person. So it wouldn’t be too awkward. That’s all.”

Nox questions me with his eyes, and I give an almost imperceptible shake of my head. My brain is on overload. Whether she meant it or not, Lena’s dropped bombs on me.

“Great,” Nox says. “Well, you’ve warned me. Thanks for that. I think it’s time for you to go.”

“Yes, you’re right. I should be on my way. Calvin’s waiting for me. He flew in from London this morning and decided to drive straight out to see me. He really is the best. I’m so lucky.”

“Here.” Nox grabs her elbow and ushers her out of the kitchen to the back door. “Let me walk you out.”

I top off my glass and down it as I pour myself onto a stool. I can’t jump to conclusions though my mind is joining thoughts together faster than that guitar solo by Dragon. Lena was trying to get into my head. That’s all. And I ran with it because I’m scared that if I open up anymore, if I let myself hope anymore, that I’m going to end up hurt.

“What did she say to you?” Nox enters the kitchen, his hair a little wild on top like he’s attacked it with both hands. He comes straight to me, turning the stool until I’m facing him and then leaning closer. “Are you okay?”

“Fine.” My hand trembles as I place the empty glass on the counter. “I’m fine.”

“I don’t know what she’s doing here,” he says. “She wouldn’t tell me what she wanted.”

“She wants me to convince you to sell the studio.” My voice waivers. I don’t know why I’m so on edge. Lena wasn’t even that awful. It’s just the things that she said... “I don’t know why she would think I could do that. Or why I would.”

“Christ.” His chest caves and his brow creases so deeply. “I guess I—”

His phone rings.

So does mine.

And the house phone. Which never rings. I didn’t even know there was one until right now.