Marriage is like owning an orange grove.
At first it seems like a good idea.
Then you realize you hate fucking oranges.
Lou places a drink on the bar beside Beck’s hand. My cheek twitches as she picks it up. Her gaze doesn’t leave mine. I should probably warn her. Like she warned me that she was going to rearrange my house.
God, I was ready to say to hell with it when I left the cabin. Seeing what she’d done to my home. Having her take my stuff like that. Even though she has no idea that along with my furniture she took the money I’ve been socking away to fix up Casey Records. And I was about to deal with those damn oranges too. But when she took the dresser she took all the cash I’ve managed to squirrel away. She doesn’t have a fucking clue though. There’s no way she would have realized the damn dresser had a hollow compartment in the top drawer.
Feels like Lena all over again. Feels like I’m making the same mistakes over again. Letting a woman run my life into the ground. Letting her walk all over me. Letting her take everything that matters to me.
I’d come to Mayhem ready to drink my ass stupid, but Finn and Dean had found me, talked me ‘round. Reminded me that Beck’s not trying to ruin me, only trying to get me to let her go. Which I can’t, so whatever she wants to throw at me, I have to find a way to deal with it. The money I’ve saved can wait. It’s nothing compared to what I’ll receive for dealing with Beck for a little while longer. She’s going to have to try a hell of a lot harder if she wants to shake me. And even then I’m here for the long haul.
She walks my way. Hips shimmying with each step. She raises the glass toward her mouth as she sits on the chair Dean vacated.
“You probably shouldn’t...”
Her throat muscles tense and release as she swallows several times. Until half the creamy liquid is gone.
I glance down at my beer. Have to shift position. Kind of uncomfortable to watch her throat work that way. Sexy. Makes me hard. Want to give her something else to swallow.
Her ass hits the chair. The glass in her hand clinks on the table. “Oh my God, what is that?”
I shrug. “Casey special.”
She coughs and clears her throat a couple times. “I doubt I’m going to be able to sleep for a week. So much coffee.”
“That’s the whole point. It was made to get you through the next shift, or show, or tour stop.”
“I can’t believe you suggested I have one of these.” She tucks her chin in and arches her neck. “I can’t believe your sister would make me one and not warn me.”
“I can’t believe you rearranged my house without asking me.”
She snaps her mouth shut and glances at the stage. Drags a stray bit of blonde hair behind her ear while she watches the band. “I didn’t expect you to be so furious about it.”
“Yes, you did.” She’s toying with me. Playing as though we’re at war. We probably are at war in her head. Girl has a real case of commitment phobia. But she isn’t trying to take everything from me. She’s trying to find a way out of a situation that’s uncomfortable for her.
“Okay, I did. I hoped it would make you want to sign.”
“I read those articles you’ve been using as your playbook.” Read them, ha! Know them backwards and forwards. Once I saw that byline, her byline, with my last name, I soaked up every single article. The first one was my favorite, not that I plan on telling her that.
Those pretty eyes focus back on me and she takes another sip of her drink. Sticks her tongue out, makes a face like she can barely stand the taste. “This is truly terrible.”
“You’ll grow used to it. After a while. Like beer.” I tip my pint in her direction and polish off the pale liquid.
“That’s not going to happen.” She turns her nose up and pushes her empty glass away.
“Those articles. You wrote them.” It’s not a question. Our first night together was her starting point for the series.
“I did.”
“Is that how you usually handle your problems, babe?” I sit up and lift her glass up, squeezing my fingers close over the top when I catch Lou’s eye. My sister gives a slight nod that she got the message.
“I’m not sure what you mean,” Beck says.