To have and to hold? Until death do us part?
Over my dead body.
Or should that be his?
The only thing he’ll be holding is his balls by the time I’m done with him.
I’m tipsy. Probably wasn’t the smartest move, pre-drinking this situation, but it was something to do while I mentally ran through the conversation we’d have.
I’d tell him we’d most likely need a divorce, not an annulment. I’d reassure him that I didn’t want anything from him. And he’d be ready, willing, and more than eager to go along with it. It’s all a formality at this point.
A formality. Because this isn’t real. And seeing him again, freaking out over it, makes me realize how much I need to put it behind me. Can’t believe I waited this long to deal with it. “We’ll probably have to involve a lawyer. If they can’t void it, at least they’ll be able to help us to divorce.”
He’s looking at me like...I don’t know. It’s prickly and uncomfortable and altogether too friendly. It’s one step forward and one to the left of pure lust. It’s what I’m coming to imagine is straight up Nox Casey. Dangerous. Surely he must have used this same look on me the first time we met. “Are you really single?”
“No.” He puts the glass on the coffee table and scoots forward. His knees are on either side of my legs. There are rips in his jeans, threadbare patches in the tight material around his muscular thighs.
“Didn’t think so. Liv tried to tell me you were, but...” I shake my head. Have to get back on track. “You’ll probably be relieved to have this behind you.”
“I don’t think you understand.” He reaches out and takes a hold of my hand, bringing it between us. “You might not wear the ring but married is married.”
“Until we’re divorced.”
“Until then.” He tugs me toward him, and I land on his knee. Déjà vu. Or is this similar to something I forgot? Warm blue eyes stare into me as he secures my position with one arm, but ugh, I’m not drunk enough to get lured in this time. “So we’ll talk to a lawyer tomorrow? File the paperwork? Be done with this?”
His fingers are cruising along my side. His other hand still holds my left hand as he moves his face closer to mine. Warm breath, and oranges blossom, and trees. He smells like sturdiness, and dependability, and nature. Christ, can a scent convey all that?
“Beck?” His mouth is wide, his tone hushed and musical. “Ever considered this so-called mistake we made might not be such a bad thing?”
“What?” I whisper. He is sheer animal magnetism. Does he know that?
He finally lets go of my hand and puts two fingers against the base of my jaw. The way his lips move is intoxicating to watch. “I’m not going to divorce you.”
“Mmm.” He’s not going to divorce me. It must be shock that makes it difficult to comprehend what those words mean. It takes me a moment to get it clear. “What?”
“I’m not going to divorce you, Beck Casey.”
I jump off his lap as though I’m in danger of being bitten by a venomous spider. “What do you mean you won’t...are you crazy?”
“Not crazy.” He scratches at the neat stubble on his chin.
“Then what? I don’t have any money. I don’t own any assets. You’re not going to get anything out of me if that’s what you’re hoping for.”
“Didn’t consider it,” he says, no deceit in his tone.
I stalk across the room to put some space between us. What the hell is his problem? What’s he hoping to achieve? “Y-you’re not some Neanderthal that thinks he can drag me back to his cave and I’m going to cook and clean and...”
“A girl like you?” His lip curls the tiniest amount. And what’s that supposed to mean? A girl like me? “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
“Then what? I’m not going to fall in... I won’t develop...”
“Love. Feelings,” he offers.