“Yes. And that it’s okay to grieve over your own death, even if you get a second chance at life.”

“That’s good, right?”

“I guess. It doesn’t make me feel any better though. I can’t stop loving Nox just because I chose to leave. I can’t stop thinking that I made the biggest mistake of my life, and I can’t fix it. I still don’t know what to do with this form.” I shrug as I pick up the envelope Dash dropped in front of me.

My heart trips as I read my name on the front. I’d know Nox’s handwriting anywhere. Especially since I’ve spent day after day staring at it. I slide my fingernail into the gap and along the edge, tearing it. Pulling out the thick wad of paper inside, I lay it in front of me. It’s a sales contract for the land Casey Records is on to the development company that was building the mall across the road. Lena’s name is on the form as purchaser for the company. My name is under Nox’s as the seller. But it isn’t mine. And he shouldn’t be selling it. “Not to her.”

“What’s going on?” Dash asks.

“I have to call Liv.” Jumping off my stool, I search between the couch cushions for my phone. Liv doesn’t know how to make small deals. Even when we were in preschool, playing in the sandlot she used to go all in. Every head in her Barbie collection if Tucker Smith would run up and smack the teacher on the butt. Hell yeah. Her brand-new Mary Janes in the limited-edition blueberry color if Kara Calloway would swallow the class’s pet gold fish. Absolutely. So there’s no way she didn’t offer Nox something decent. At least enough that he shouldn’t need to sell the studio.

“What did you offer him, Liv?” I ask as soon as she picks up. Snatching the contract from the counter I flip through it.

“Nice to talk to you too. It’s been a month. You haven’t responded to any of my calls.”

“I texted. And...” I take a deep breath “...I was in therapy every time you called. Working on my issues.”

“Really?” There’s the hint of hope in her voice.

“You were right,” I admit. “About some of it. I didn’t want to feel anything. I was scared and it got the better of me.”

“I’m so proud of you,” Liv coos.

“We should catch up and talk. Sort through what happened. I miss you.” I get to the last page of the contract and there’s a check stapled to the paper.

“I’d like that,” she says. “I’m still in Reverence at the moment though. For a couple more weeks.”

“Seven hundred thousand dollars, Liv?” I can barely breathe as I study the check. Nox has crossed out his name, putting mine and initialling the change. At the bottom is Liv’s signature.


“He sent me the check. The one you made out to him. Did you really offer him seven hundred thousand dollars to stay married to me?”

“Actually it was five hundred cash and whatever it cost to pay the mortgage on the studio, but that’s correct. He’s sent you the whole check?”


“Well, I guess, considering the state of the studio he’s decided to go in a different direction. Or he just doesn’t care about the money at all.”

“Or maybe...” Maybe he doesn’t want anything to do with our time together. I drop onto the sofa. “How is he? Do you know?”

“I haven’t seen him,” she says. “But I can ask Jack. I can find out.”

“N-no. That’s okay.” I don’t know what I would do with the information anyway.

“Okay. Well, I have to go, but I can’t wait to see you.”

“Miss you.” I say, and she hangs up. I flip through the contract again. I don’t know how my name ended up on this document. It has to be a mistake. I don’t have any right to the studio or anything that belongs to him.

Getting up, I take it back to the counter and place it next to the divorce papers. Now I have two documents to sign. Only this one is an easy decision. I pick up the pen and scrawl my signature in all the places that are marked. Then I check the envelope to see if there’s an extra enclosed for me to send it back in. There’s a small piece of lined paper inside, like the one my therapist uses. I pull it out. It’s torn along the edge and folded in the middle. My hands shake as I open it.

I never told you why I called you Angel, did I?

Never explained that marrying you kept Lena from getting the property in the first place. Not that I had a fucking clue about that until after you disappeared. You see, Dad didn’t want to make it easy for me to sell it so as soon we married you inherited half the property.

You might find that funny now, considering the sales contract. You might think that you shouldn’t sign. But the thing is, while we were together I worked out what I was really supposed to hold onto, and it isn’t that damn building. So I’m letting Lena have it, and Dean and I are working on a new plan.

I just wish I could have held onto you. I let you down, and I’m sorry for that. The deal Liv offered me, the money you told her to give me despite what happened between us, I don’t want it. It means nothing to me now.