“Give me five minutes to shower and dress and I’ll come with you.”
“Uh. That’s quite all right.”
“Just let me put my pants on then.” He glances around.
“In the bathroom,” I say.
“Thanks.” He smiles. “I’ll literally be a minute.”
“No. I...” I have to get out of here and away from him, no matter how sweet he is and how clearly attracted I am to him. Married? This is crazy. “How about I get coffee, grab Liv, and then we’ll come back here?”
“I could use a shower.” He looks longingly in the direction of the bathroom.
“Good. Great. I mean yes, that’s a good idea. Last night was whew, so...” I find the door with my back, search out the door knob while I wave one hand in front of my face and almost moan over what I can recall. Dirty hussy.
“You should join me.” His teeth are movie star white when he grins.
“Tempting.” I mean it too. And this time I’d remember it all. It’s not like it’d be wrong either since we’re apparently married. God, I have to get out of here. “Very tempting. But I should check on Liv. I’ll only be a little while.”
“Hurry back, then,” he says, heading for the bathroom. “Can’t wait to spend the day with you, Mrs. Casey.”
“M-me too. I mean with you.” I grapple with the knob and almost bang my head into the edge of the door as I yank it open. There’s no way I am coming back to this room. There is no chance I’m spending the day with this guy. How the hell did we end up married?
Stepping into the hallway, I close the door and breathe deeply for the first time since I woke in this nightmare. The only thing I can do right now is continue what my brain started and forget last night ever happened. In fact, it’s probably best if it’s never mentioned again. Right?