Page 20 of Sexy Bad Valentine

“Yeah,” I agree as I walk her to the door. I need to call Deanna and find out how serious she is with this threat to sue. Would her boss really fire her over something like this? Opening the door, I hold it for Evie while she passes me.


“Yes, Max?”

She turns one last time, and I don’t hesitate to curl my hand around her neck. “Valentine’s Day is only two weeks away.”

“Just another reason we can get through this without getting close.” She smiles, but the wistful curve of her lip doesn’t light her eyes.

“Okay.” I press my lips to her forehead. Not sure how to proceed. I’ve never been in this situation before. “If that’s what you want.”

“It is.” She steps out of reach and out the door onto the porch, before turning around and hurrying down the steps. “Bye, Max.”

I drink her bottle of wine while sitting on the rug on the rug in the foyer, staring at the orange tulip Evie left behind. Can’t say I know what else to do. This frustration at my sister is new. My inability to talk Evie into spending more time with me is disappointing. She’s so certain I’m that guy, the one who only has one night stands and never commits to anything. The playboy. The boy in general. Immature and full of himself. Worse, she’s partly correct. She’s nailed me with who I used to be, who I was before her. Was that only a few short weeks ago? I can’t argue that I’m no longer that guy because I met her. The idea is preposterous, and yet...

Barclay lumbers into the room at some point while I lay on my back and stare at the ceiling. He plops himself down beside my head and licks the side of my face.

“She’s scared of me.” I grip his collar and rub my head against his. “Not scared that I’m dangerous.”

He lets out a long breath that makes his sides heave and rolls onto his back, all four paws up in the air.

“Yeah, we’re about as dangerous as each other, aren’t we? I meant she’s scared of getting close to anyone. Don’t you think?”


“I have no idea what that means, Barclay.” I climb to my feet. “Come on, we better call Dee. I’ve got a few choice words for her.”

“I was wondering how long it would take you to call.” Dee sounds a lot more relaxed than I expected. “Oh that’s purrrfect, Leo. Right there. That’s the spot.”

“I hope you’re getting a massage and I’m not listening to you and your cabana boy get it on, Dee.”

“Some of us are more decorous than that, brother. We don’t try to get it on in the middle of taping while there are investors about.”

“There were investors? I didn’t see anyone.”

“Nelson Kane was ice skating with his daughter. To say he wasn’t impressed with where you’re taking our marketing dollars would be an understatement. And what were you thinking, pretending to be a dog walker for the show anyway? My brother as a dog walker? Thank God I can work from anywhere in the world since it seems you can’t.”

“Have you tried Antarctica?”

“I mean it, Maxwell. This thing you have for my neighbour. Your little obsession. It needs to stop. Go out and hook up with some co-ed or whatever you need to do to forget about her.”



“Her name’s Evie, Dee.”

“It doesn’t matter. Get back in the office tomorrow. This campaign is testing really well with beta audiences. Please don’t mess this up for us. The last thing I want to do is file suit against her for breach of contract.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” I snap.

“If you push my hand I’ll have no choice. Our investors are more important than your need to sleep with anything that walks. This girl is only interesting to you because you can’t have...” The line fills with static and cuts off what she’s saying.

“I fucked her on your rug in the foyer. You know the one you brought home from your trip to Turkey after you made your first hundred grand? Yes, that one. I had your neighbor naked and screaming on your favorite rug and I am still not over her.”

“Sorry, what was that? You were breaking up. Did you say something about a rug?”

“Barclay fucked up your rug. He must have eaten something that didn’t agree with him. Doggy vomit all over it.”