He leaves me to stew over the idea that he thinks I’m into him while he collects his own ice skates. Sitting back on the bench beside me he puts them on, lacing them up in silence. The last date I went on ended up with me practically giving the guy a hand job under the table and then getting frisky in my car. Clearly, I have no taste. A subject I’ve discussed with Max. Being into him makes it worse. Because now I really know he’s not a nice guy.
“Come on,” he says, holding out his hand. “A couple times round the ice until you know what you’re doing?”
“I can handle it.” I avoid his eye and ignore his hand, but standing on a narrow strip of metal isn’t easy.
I wobble as I try to adjust my balance, and Max reaches out to grip my waist with both hands. “Easy.”
Once I’m balanced, he brings his palm up between us. “Are you going to take my hand this time?”
“I’m not into you,” I whisper as I drop my hand into his and he winds his fingers tightly around mine.
“Okay.” He nods once, turning to enter the rink before pulling me on with him. He’s a natural, his moves both lazy and graceful while it takes everything in me just to keep my balance. It isn’t until the third time around that I find my stride and spend a few minutes solo.
“Do you want to try circles now? Before we unleash you with Shadow?” Max comes to a stop on the ice in front of me.
“I suppose I should.”
“Great.” Max takes my hand, his muscular arm and torso flexing as he pulls me in a wide circle around him that spirals closer and closer. Our bodies whoosh past each other, mine in motion, his still, until I’m close enough that he can stop me with his other hand and then we’re both spinning. It’s almost like dancing. It’s exhilarating, and when we stop my heart is going a million miles an hour and I am breathless and giggling.
“Max, Evie, we need to get this shoot finished,” Kelly calls from the edge of the rink, but all I can see is the way he’s looking at me like he wants to kiss me again.
“Max, we should...” Because we can’t...
“Right,” he agrees, his fingers tightening at my hips before falling away. He beckons to the guy holding the dogs in his stead. “Let’s get Shadow over here.”
I’m exhausted by the time we’re bundled back into the car. After spinning lazily around the ice rink a few times with Shadow we’d moved on to other physical activities, like running. Not my idea of fun.
Kelly keeps peering at me through her lashes, but she hasn’t said a word as we’ve weaved our way through traffic back to the Puppy Love offices. It isn’t until we pull into the parking garage that she finally puts her tablet down. “Can I remind you that your contract requires exclusivity for the duration of filming? You applied because you were interested in the process, which will work much better if you’re not distracted.”
“Excuse me?”
“You and Max. You’re this close to being in breach of contract.” She sighs. “I just wanted to give you a heads up.”
“But we’re not seeing each other,” I argue. “I don’t even know the dog walker.”
“You’re into him,” she says. “I’ve seen it before. You get it in your head that you can change him. Or that he’s something he isn’t, but you’re wrong. He’s only interested until he gets bored, and I’m sorry to say you don’t have the staying power.”
As the car rolls to a stop, I’m reaching for the doorhandle. I’d almost prefer to jump from a moving vehicle than have this conversation. Even if she’s right. “I don’t know where you got the idea I’m into him, but I’m not. Or why you would think that I can’t tell he’s used to girls fawning over him. But I also can’t begin to fathom why you’re being so mean about him. Did he turn you down or something?”
She actually looks taken aback, as I leap out of the car. It takes her a moment to follow by which time I’m halfway across the parking garage. “Evie, I’ve been his friend a really long time. Like half my life. He’s a great guy, but lousy when it comes to the opposite sex, which is why I’m worried that you might be causing yourself unnecessary trouble. Stick to the contract and save both of you from having to deal with the fall out.”
“You’re worried he’ll be fired?” I turn and wait for her to catch up.
“From the show. He’s your friend, and if I’m in breach of contract then he will be too, right? So you’re trying to protect him.”
Again she gives me that queer look I can’t make sense of. It’s almost as though she thinks I’m an idiot. “You think he’ll be fired?”
“He’s only the dog walker.”
“He’s the...” Her brow wrinkles and smooths out just as quick. “Right. Only the dog walker. At any rate, I’m obligated to tell you that ignoring the stipulations in the contract can leave you open to a lawsuit. Worry about yourself, Evie.”
“I’m not doing anything wrong.” I stand my ground.
Kelly glances down at her tablet again, taps the screen. “You work for Garrett Frost, correct?”
“It was in the application.” The one she’s most likely reading from right now.