“No, of course not.” Now I sound as indignant as he did when he found out I told Danny what we’d done. “You’re the second older guy with a kid I’ve screwed.” While I happened to be in his employment. But at least this time there’s no wife in the picture. Can I get a couple of points for that, at least?
He lifts his baseball cap off his head and readjusts it while he stares at the ceiling. Is he trying to figure out whether he can get away with firing me without giving me severance? Hell, as much as I’ve messed this up, I’m not sure I even deserve my last two weeks’ salary.
“It was a defense mechanism,” I continue, but I choose my words carefully. I don’t want to slip up and make him aware of my first nanny job. Something tells me he’d be a hell of a lot less sympathetic if he knew what happened back then. And I’m not sure there’s much compassion going on at all at the moment, so I’m pretty much working with bare bones here. “I love kids. I love what I do. I’m not usually attracted to the dads I work for. In fact, I deliberately try to avoid any scenarios that might possibly turn into what we did. And now … now we’ve crossed a line and I don’t know what to do, except resign. Which sucks, because I don’t want to leave Abby. Or you. And I know I should really stop nannying, but I’d have to start from scratch if I changed careers. Which is what I should do, but … I don’t know.”
He doesn’t say anything, but he does adjust his cap again while dropping his gaze to look out the window. I’ve lived with him long enough to know this is what he does when he’s frustrated.
“As soon as you stopped me in that bar, I was attracted to you. Before you even told me about Abby. I immediately convinced myself you were bad news, so I blurted out that I had a boyfriend, hoping that would scare you off.”
“I was bad news that quickly?”
“Oh, come on. You accosted a perfect stranger in a bar and asked her if she’d say no if you asked her to sleep with you. Which I have no doubt usually works in your favor.”
“Yeah, it usually does.” He glances at the bedroom door, then at me. “So you don’t have a boyfriend?”
“So what’s the harm in sleeping with me?”
“I’m your nanny.”
He tugs his cap off again and creases the bill between his hands. “I know. And that should be all the reason we need.”
Neither one of us say it, yet the word might as well have been screamed. But…
“This is probably a bad idea,” he says. “But fuck, I can’t stop thinking about you. What you looked like when I came home the other night and walked into the kitchen. Your hair, your face, your body.”
His gaze snaps to each part of my person as he says it, and I swear my skin is sizzling right now. “I, uh, I need to finish packing.” Hey, a coherent sentence. Good for me.
“What if I don’t want you to?”
My head swivels from the suitcase to the door. “What, are you going to have someone do it for me?”
“Stop being deliberately obtuse.”
He thinks this is deliberate? “Um…” I can’t think of anything else to say, so I blurt, “Are you going to give me a severance?”
He slaps the cap back onto his head. “I’m not firing you, Erin. I think I want to keep sleeping with you.”
“You think?”
“Nope. I know I do.” He’s stalking toward me, and I plaster my hands against the wall, watching him until he’s a foot away, staring down at me. I swallow, and he presses his palms against the wall on either side of my head.
“Don’t leave,” he says, his gaze locked on my lips.
No, this is a bad idea, we should stop. Yes, God, yes, please fuck me.
“Abby needs you.” He skates his fingers down my arms to my hands.
“That’s not playing fair.”
“I never agreed to play fair.” He threads his fingers with mine then drags my arms up over my head before securing them with one of his. The other trails along my skin, making me squirm, and then down my side to my waist. He squeezes for a moment, hard enough that it’s on the verge of pain, and I make a little noise that’s all pleasure.