“How about instead of that, you tell her the truth, asshole?” Garrett demands, glaring at Danny, who looks at me, his brows low over his eyes.
“No clue what you’re talking about,” Danny says.
“Here’s one: I had lunch at Skores today.”
Danny brightens. “Oh yeah? Me too.” And then his smile turns upside down. “Oh.” His gaze slides my way. “I think we just got busted.”
I shake my head. “I didn’t have lunch with you today. I was … Oh.” The waitress. Afternoon delight.
“I can explain,” I say.
“You have nothing to explain,” Garrett says, stabbing his finger in my direction and then shoving it into Danny’s shoulder. “He’s the one who needs to start talking.”
“She’d probably be better at explaining, actually.” Danny shrinks away from Garrett’s angry finger.
“She’s not the one who was getting a hand job under the table at lunch.”
I arch my brows at Danny, whose cheeks tinge pink. “I told you I didn’t even need the cheesecake,” he says.
“Yeah, that’s right,” Garrett says, and he flings his hands into the air. “She made you a fucking cheesecake, and just because it got ruined you go out and hook up with the first available slut?”
“She’s not a slut,” Danny defends his latest fling. “And by the way, I know how that cheesecake got ruined.”
I smack my head; Garrett’s eyes widen before his gaze flies to me. “You told him?” He sounds utterly dumbfounded.
Danny doesn’t give me a chance to respond. “Yeah, she did. And I don’t think you have any right getting all indignant over my perceived cheating, Mr. Nanny Screwer.”
Garrett and I both stare at him. “Nanny Screwer?” I say. “Did you really just say that?”
“Yeah, well, it’s true.”
“I’ve never screwed my nanny before. She’s the only one. And yeah, we fucked up and shouldn’t have done it, but neither have you—”
“Cool your jets, hotshot,” Danny cuts him off. “You didn’t do anything wrong. And neither did I. Erin and me, we aren’t together.”
With my hand covering my eyes, I say, “I can’t believe this is happening to me.”
“I don’t get it,” Garrett says. “Are you telling me you broke up? Like, before we, uh…”
“Baptized that counter in there?” Danny offers, and Garrett glares at me.
“You gave him details?”
“I am her best friend, after all,” Danny supplies. “Girls are like that. They need someone to talk to. Especially when the guy takes off without so much as a courtesy cuddle before passing out afterward.”
“I would have cuddled,” Garret says, so indignant his voice cracks. “But I thought … What the fuck is going on here?”
“She lied to you,” Danny says, because this situation could not possibly get worse. Or maybe it can, with the way Garrett’s glaring at me like he’s considering tossing me bodily from his apartment.
“I can explain,” I say weakly.
“That would probably be a good idea.” Garrett’s teeth are clenched so tightly, I’m afraid his jaw might crack.
“Hey, you aren’t going to hurt her or anything, are you?” my ever-gallant best friend asks. The look Garrett gives him makes him crouch behind my back.
“I might hurt you, if you don’t get the fuck out of here.”
“That’s my cue,” Danny announces, and he skirts around the two of us, making a beeline for the door. “Let me know if I have to share my bed tonight.”