Page 20 of Sexy Bad Daddy

He glances at his watch. “It’s seven thirty.”

Crap. Sighing, I sit down in the cushioned chair, while he drops into its twin on the other side of a square, glass-top table. “So, how was the tour? Did you win?”

He scrubs a hand through his hair. “Second place by two shots. I was distracted, made some stupid decisions out on the course.”

“Like sleeping with that model?” Yep, I’ve started following his career. Abby and I even popped popcorn and watched him play on television Saturday afternoon, while it had been pouring rain outside.

He scowls, his body practically vibrating. “Yeah, that’s exactly what distracted me. Because it didn’t happen. In fact, Callum threatened to sue that reporter if she doesn’t issue a retraction statement by tomorrow. Fucking bullshit.”

“Wow, you’re really upset about this. Are you saying your reputation as a ladies’

man isn’t true?”

“It’s very true. But a couple of my sponsors have been on my ass lately, telling me I need to clean up my act or they’re going to drop me. I haven’t slept with anybody in weeks. Since I hired you, actually.”

“That’s a long time.” I’ve gone longer—a lot longer—but now that I’m living with Mr. Lickable, it feels like forever.

“Thanks for the reminder.”

I chuckle. “Do they know you have a daughter? The media, I mean.”

“Yeah. It was hot news for a minute when I took custody of her. But I’ve done a good job of keeping her under wraps, and, honestly, not changing my lifestyle, so they’ve practically forgotten. They’re more focused on watching for my next hook-up.”

“Maybe that’s the key.” I snuggle more deeply into the soft cushions and stare out over the city and the Great Lake beyond. When I glance at him, Garrett is giving me an expectant look. “Shifting the focus to the fact you’re a family man now. It’s pretty damn obvious to me you care about your daughter, probably more than anything else in your life. Why don’t you let the media see that?”

He sips wine, a contemplative look on his face. “You may be on to something here. I’m going to mention it to Callum tomorrow. We’ll have to figure out how to do it without disrupting Abby’s lifestyle too much. I don’t want the media hounds to fall so much for the story that they’re stalking the two of you on the playground.”

“Yeah, I’d rather avoid that, too. Didn’t you mention a charity dinner coming up soon? Maybe you can take her.”

“Maybe I can take both of you.”

“What? No. That’s a bad idea.”

“No, seriously, it’s great. You, me, and Abby. With the way she so obviously adores you, it’ll be perfect. The media will love the glimpse into my personal life.”

I’m not part of his personal life. I’m Abby’s nanny, and I don’t see how my tagging along to a public function will improve his image with the paparazzi. “I—”

He leaps from his seat, a wide grin on his face. “It’s settled. This is gonna be great. I can’t wait to see you all dolled up.”

Yeah, great. Exactly what I’m thinking.