“Better hope so.” I stare down at her, trying to ignore the warmth of her hand in my own and how easy it would be to pull her into a full body hug, and we’ve done that before. Her entire body pressed to mine for mere seconds that felt a little too good. This time it’s not so easy to brush off the sensation or to keep my dick from rising to attention. Doesn’t matter though. Red might have my attention right now, but it’s not going to last, and her ability to look after Abby will. I drop her hand. “I’m exhausted. We’ll go over the schedule first thing in the morning. Abby wakes at six.”
“Okay,” she says as I walk away. “Good night.”
I finish reading Frozen to Abby for the fifty-billionth time and set the book back on her bookshelf. “That’s it for tonight, sweet pea.”
“Again.” She sits cross-legged in pajamas decorated with Elsa and Anna that Erin picked up for her yesterday while they were out doing who knows what. From the state of Abby’s cotton candy-pink nails, I’m assuming manicures were involved. She buries her chin in the top of her teddy bear and gazes up at me with big, blue eyes that make me forget how to say no more often than not.
“Can’t tonight. Daddy’s got to go out for a little while. He has to have dinner with a friend.” Getting off the bed, I tuck the covers up around her chin. “But Erin will be here with you, and I’ll check in as soon as I get home.”
“Is Erin going to come tuck me in too?”
“Sure.” It’s amazing how quickly Abby got used to having the woman around. The two of them are as thick as thieves. I bite the inside of my cheek. Does that trouble me, or am I bothered about the nanny’s constant presence in a whole other way? “Do you want me to get her?”
“Can I have a goat instead?”
“Absolutely not.” I ruffle her hair and kiss her cheek.
“What about my toy goat?”
“Where’d you leave it?”
“In the bathroom, Daddy. And I want Erin too.”
“You’ve got your daddy wrapped around your finger, don’t you?” Shaking my head, I stride out of her room to collect the plastic farm animal and tell Erin that Abby wants her. Which is fantastic, really. The trouble is, I want the nanny too. A week of her parading around in skinny jeans and oversized tops and I can barely concentrate when she’s in the room.
The goat’s probably in the bag of toys attached to the side of the tub in the master bath. I push open the bathroom door.
Erin jumps and screams, gripping the towel wrapped around her midsection.
“Sorry.” I stop in my tracks, What am I supposed to be doing? Other than staring at that white towel and how it barely covers her tits and only just skims her thighs, that is. Droplets stream down her shoulders from loose, wet ringlets that I want to tug.
“Everything okay with Abby?” She tucks the towel in.
It would be so easy to pull on the terry towelling and watch it flutter to the floor, to cup her clean, warm skin with my hands while I kiss her.
“She’s fine.”
“Okay.” She stares up at me and darts the tip of her tongue between her lips.
I want to chase it with my mouth. Her breasts rise and fall in a shallow rapid pattern, like she’s avoiding inhaling. Maybe I should, because her scent catches in my nostrils and punches me in the gut, making me hard. And I shouldn’t be hard for the nanny, shouldn’t be thinking about her like this, or standing here staring at her the way I am, because she’s my child’s nanny, and she has a boyfriend.
“Tell me about your boyfriend.”
“Excuse me?” She frowns.
“Your boyfriend. Where’d you meet? Where did he take you for your first date?”
“That’s none of your business.”
“I want to meet him,” I blurt.
I can’t believe I said that. The last thing I want to do is meet the guy who’s stolen this girl’s heart. Especially if he’s worthy of her love. It might screw with the fantasies that keep me up at night in more ways than one.
“Daddy,” a small voice calls out.
“Would you mind? Can I get dressed?” Erin asks.