“That this is all for show,” I say.
“Huh? Erin, talk to me. What’s going on?” He steps close and reaches for me, but I move away.
“I thought … When Callum suggested we either stop sleeping together or decide to try a go at making it a relationship … I thought it was real. But then I realized the only reason you agreed was to improve your public image. And now I can’t stop thinking about it.”
“I’m going to rip that guy’s balls off and feed them to him next time I see him.”
“Danny’s just the messenger, you know. I should have known from the start. It’s really all my fault.”
“What is, precisely? The fact that I can’t keep my hands off you? The fact that I invited you into my bed? The fact that I’m trying my damndest to learn how to be in a relationship, when I have literally never, ever done this before? Which part is your fault again?”
“Well, when you put it that way…”
He grabs my arm and pulls me around to face him. “Listen, Erin. I can’t predict the future. I have no idea where this is going to lead. I don’t even really know how to define it yet. But I like it. I like what we have. Spending time with you. You and Abby both. I like you sharing my bed. My freaking toothbrush holder. There are tampons in my bathroom. That’s definitely a first for me.”
I dare to look up into his face, and I can feel my heart melting with the genuine emotion I see there as he cups my cheek. It is genuine, right? He’s telling me this isn’t an act, like Danny suggested.
“Can’t we just do our best to enjoy this? I know it won’t be easy because eventually, the media hounds are gonna want something more exciting to talk about and they’re damn good at instilling doubt. But in the meantime, I want to be happy. I want you to be happy. Together. With me.”
“You’re doing a marvellous job of bringing my libido back to life.”
He snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me tightly to him so that every one of my curves is molded to every one of his hard edges. Unable to resist, I rub against him and practically purr.
“I told you I don’t play fair.”
“No, you don’t.”
“I’m really good at playing, though.” His hand is under my shirt, sliding up my back, his nails gently scraping my skin. I shiver and tug at his shirt, needing to feel his skin, taste his chest.
“Yes, you definitely are.”
He flips his shirt over his head and drops it on the floor and then tugs mine off, too. Cupping my breasts in his hands, he lifts them and bends to lick along the scalloped edge of my bra and then dip his tongue into my cleavage while I throw my head back and damn near lose my balance. With a chuckle, he wraps one arm around my back and guides me to the couch. He flips us around and sits, pulling me into his lap. I straddle him and wantonly rub along the erection straining against his zipper.
“I swear, I can’t get enough of you,” he mumbles as he unsnaps my jeans. I wiggle out of them and then climb back into his lap.
“I know the feeling.” Shifting lower on his thighs, I grab the waistband of his pants, shoving them just far enough down his legs to allow his cock to spring free, bobbing like it’s eager to get this party started, too.
“Fast,” I say, guiding his erection to my opening. “Hard. Don’t stop. Don’t slow down.”
He wraps his arms around my back and cups my shoulders and thrusts, impaling me. And then he lifts me up and pulls me down again, over and over until I’m panting, struggling to keep up as my insides coil tighter and tighter.
“Anything for you, baby,” he says through gritted teeth. Sweat beads on his brow, and I can see his heart hammering in his chest. He doesn’t change the punishing pace. I grasp his hair, twisting my fingers into the locks with one hand while clinging to the back of the couch with the other. The pressure builds inside me and my hips buck faster.
Without breaking stride, he leans forward and clamps his mouth around one of my nipples and that’s all I need to go careening over the edge, my orgasm so intense I swear I black out for a few seconds. The world comes back into focus when he abruptly flips me over so I’m lying on my back on the couch, and then he’s pounding into me again, pressing me into the cushions while sweat drips from his brow onto my chest. And then he gives a shout and stiffens, bowing his body against mine as his release hits him with, I suspect, the same freight train effect mine did a few minutes prior.
With a gusty sigh, I let my body relax and close my eyes, at least until I feel him shift and pull out. Then his arms slide under me and my lids flutter open when he lifts me and carries me into his bedroom. After gently placing me on the bed, he crawls in next to me and wraps his arm around me. Then he kisses my neck and drops back against the pillow and I smile.
This is exactly where I want to be.
Lord, vigorous sex makes me thirsty. Garrett’s sprawled on his back, one arm flung across my abdomen, the other curled over his head, his mouth slightly open while he snores gently. I slide out from underneath his arm and pad down the hall to the kitchen for a glass of water.
It’s after two a.m. and there’s no television on in the background, no child’s voice calling for me from another room, or her dad slamming a door and then stomping down the hall. Leaning against the counter, I quench my thirst and enjoy the peace and quiet while casually scanning the room, double-checking to ensure everything is in its place. I notice the stack of mail Garrett must have left when he arrived home this evening. Yesterday evening, I mean.
Wandering over, I sort through the envelopes and advertisement flyers, separating them into piles: Bills, trash, other. The last one looks like a card. It’s addressed to Garrett. Probably fan mail, although usually that goes to Callum or the post office box Garrett has set up for just that purpose. I flip it over; it isn’t sealed. I shouldn’t be nosy. It’s probably a groupie offering to do some sort of sexual favor; Callum said that tends to be the bulk of his fan mail.
Which is exactly why I pull out the card to read it. Maybe she’ll describe a position we haven’t tried yet. I’m an adventurous girl, after all.