This guy is old-fashioned, but he did spend most of dinner doting over Abby like my own father does while she went on about her escapades with Spot.
“How about a couple more questions each?” I say to Kalvin and Fiona while I shift Abby’s head to my shoulder and hint for Erin to sit back down. “And then we’ll go home at the same time. It’ll be easier than trying to catch a cab when the Black Hawks are playing.”
“At least let me take her for you.” She hovers behind me.
“I’ve got her,” I grumble. She’s my daughter, and yes, the girl is our nanny, and yes, her sole existence in our lives is to look after Abby, but right now she’s acting a little too maternal around people who will read anything they can between the lines of what we say and do.
Erin quiets and slides into the chair beside Callum without another word. I better remember to have a word with her about journalists later. And, from the tense cast of her shoulders and the scornful look she levels at me, I need to apologize for my bluntness. Damn it, I don’t want her to be mad at me.
“Thank you for allowing us this opportunity to get a peek at the more personal aspects of your life,” Kalvin says as he waves off one of the servers currently circulating the room, offering champagne out of magnums. “Abby’s an absolute delight.”
“She’s a very important part of my life.” Pointing at my own crystal flute, I grab the server’s attention. I’m lightly buzzed but not inappropriately so, and I’m just antsy enough that another drink won’t go astray. Since we can’t really have a conversation with the journalists watching our every move and Abby has me pinned to the chair, I have to come up with another way to let Erin know that I was just protecting this setup we have. Picking up the glass of wine, I swing my leg out gently until I touch hers.
“What’s it like bringing up a little girl on your own?” Kalvin asks.
“It’s challenging,” I tell him, waiting for Erin to acknowledge me somehow. She refuses to look at me as I run my foot up the outside of her leg. But she bites her lip while Callum tries to engage her in conversation. “But we do okay. We’re both just learning how to be a family. Ups, downs, the whole nine yards.”
“Speaking of golf, Abby did mention she has her own clubs. Do you ever play together?”
“Absolutely.” I smile, my chest puffed up. “She loves coming to the range with me.”
“She’s a golfing prodigy,” Callum chimes in. “She’s got a swing so perfect, it’ll near take your breath away.”
Erin nods enthusiastically at his pronouncement and flicks a glance at me.
“That’d be something to see.” Kalvin jots something down on the pad in his hand.
It should be weird that my foot is rubbing Erin’s calf while my daughter is asleep on my lap and two journalists are asking questions. But it’s not. Okay, it’s odd, but nowhere near what I expected. It’s just kind of ... nice. In a way I never thought touching a woman would be.
“Perhaps we could arrange that.” Callum nods then turns his attention on me. “It’d be a great photo op.”
“I’m not sure it’s necessary to prolong this exposure to the media.” The only reason we’re doing this in the first place is because getting the media to lay off the bad boy label so I can keep my sponsors onside seemed like a good idea, but not at the expense of Abby growing up without a modicum of privacy.
“How do you juggle raising a child with your other personal pursuits?” Fiona Davenport leans forward, her chin resting on one palm while she waits for my response.
“Abby comes first. Always.” I jump as Erin’s foot slides up my leg and between my knees. Her toes wiggle against my zipper, and I immediately have a hard-on for the nanny.
Erin laughs from the other side of the table, and I glare at her. My daughter’s on my lap and she’s trying to give me a foot job. Who does that? As awkward as it is that I’m holding my kid, I’m less tense now that Erin isn’t ignoring me.
Having her mad at me makes me crazy, but so does this game she has going on under the table. I want her foot off my dick, but only because I want to drag her away from this interview so we can find a cozy corner where I can show her exactly what she’s doing to me. Only that can’t happen because of my daughter. And not just because she’s asleep on my shoulder right now.
I look around in the hopes of figuring out a way to put Abby down, but unless I want to kill this moment with Erin or lay my daughter on the floor, I’m stuck holding her.
“So you’re not dating anyone?” Fiona asks, her lips parted. The foot between my leg rocks against the bulge in my pants.
“The answer to that is the same as always. No. I don’t date, because that wouldn’t be in Abby’s best interest. She needs a father who can give her as much of himself as possible.”
“You don’t think that your current lifestyle might become a problem for your daughter as she gets older?” Kalvin asks.
“What are you trying to suggest?” I snap. Damn, the way Erin uses her toes is surprisingly erotic.
“Your exploits are well documented.” Fiona’s practically panting in her seat, rocking at the thought. Before Erin traipsed into our lives, I could have had Fiona before the entrée arrived tonight. I could have her now with just the right glance and a trip to the nearest elevator. No doubt she’d follow me. It’s a move that hasn’t failed me yet. Except with Erin. Now Fiona’s the least interesting person at the table, despite the fact it’s been weeks since I’ve gotten any relief that hasn’t come in the shape of my hand.
“That was the old me. The me prior to finding out I had a daughter.”
Erin stands, pushes her chair back, and comes around the table. “Should I take her now?”
Christ. I glance down at my lap where Fiona’s foot, not Erin’s, continues to press on my erection. Fiona Davenport with the Cheshire grin and her toes on my dick and her mind racing with some fantasy where she ends up in my bed and has enough fodder to write her own exclusive. I jump up so fast the chair almost topples. “Yes. We’re done here. You should take her.”
Erin takes Abby, and my girl stirs before laying her head on her nanny’s shoulder.
“Thank you again for your time.” Kalvin packs up his notepad and recording device.
“Where did you meet your girlfriend?” Fiona interrupts. “And how did you get her to pose as your nanny? Or is she actually your nanny? Isn’t she too young for you anyway?”
Yes, she actually is my nanny. Yes, she probably is too young for me. No, I have absolutely no idea what just happened. One minute I think Erin’s coming on to me and I don’t want to fight it. The next Fiona Davenport is feeling me up? I could wink at her right now and she’d trip over herself to get out of her chair. But I don’t. I only want Erin.
The one woman I can’t afford to sleep with.