Page 18 of Sexy Bad Daddy

He’s your employer, Erin.

Damn. I don’t think I’ve ever felt such an intense attraction to someone before in my life. Even my colossal fuck-up, the baby daddy I shouldn’t have slept with, the guy who not only convinced me to give up my virginity but also to become the other woman, didn’t stir me up like Garrett does.

We sit down to dinner and Garrett cuts Abby’s steak while asking about her day.

“We hung out with Uncle Danny,” she says.

Garrett lifts his gaze to me, a question in his eye. “Uncle Danny?”

“His idea,” I say. Danny took to my dark-haired little charge almost as quickly as I did, although if he had to choose, he would still go for his idol, the golf pro with a reputation for holes in one both on and off the course.

“Does he have a job yet?”

Another point of contingency for Garrett. I suppose it’s flattering that he thinks I deserve better than my goofy, unemployed best friend, although sometimes I’m tempted to say, “Just what sort of guy do you think I should date?” But I’m afraid of the answer.

“Not yet, although he actually sent out a résumé last week.”

“One? That’s not going to get him very far.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“What are you gonna do if he decides to ask you to marry him? You can’t continue as a live-in nanny if you’re married, can you? I know I wouldn’t want him living in my house, you guys banging in one of my bedrooms. And what happens if you get pregnant? How’s he gonna support you if he doesn’t even bother looking for employment?”

“Well, Dad, thanks for the lecture. If that ever becomes an issue, I’m sure we’ll work it out.” I grab my glass and drain the remaining wine without looking at him. I don’t want to think about these things, partially because they’ll never happen, and more because I can’t imagine getting married, having babies, leaving Garrett and Abby. The idea actually hurts, like it puts a hole in my heart.

When I place my glass back on the table, he refills it.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. Let’s change the subject. Paynt sent me a text and said you guys stopped by his place this week.”

I nod and blow out a breath. “Yes. I can’t believe Abby didn’t tell you on the phone. She was having Spot withdrawals. She’s very cute, by the way. The goat, I mean. Although she’s certainly a troublemaker.”

“Yeah, she and Abby are two peas in a pod. Now you see why I shut it down whenever she starts talking about adopting an animal?”

I chuckle. “Maybe a little. Oh, Paynter said to let you know your sister Ronnie is going to be here over July Fourth weekend, and you’re supposed to make sure you’re not out of town.”

He digs his phone out of his pocket and pulls up his calendar. “Looks like we’re good. What’s he got planned?”

I grin like a hyena. I’ve been so excited, but then I forgot the big news as soon as I opened the door and saw Garrett standing on the threshold. “Oh, just a little wedding.”

“What?” His gaze flies to my face. He’s already opened his contacts list in his phone, probably ready to call Paynter.

“Yep. He and Chloe decided to tie the knot.”


“Well, the usual reasons, I suspect.”

He tosses me a smirk. “I meant, why so soon? Don’t people usually plan weddings a year in advance?”

“If they’re having a big, elaborate reception, yes. But they’re doing something small in their backyard. They’re planning to exchange their vows on the beach, actually. And Chloe said something about her biological clock going haywire, so they don’t want to wait any longer.”

“Aunt Chloe wants to have a baby,” Abby piped up. “Another kid for me to play with.”

“Yeah, just don’t lead this one around the yard on a leash, okay, kiddo?”


We chatter on about the upcoming wedding, and Abby informs Garrett that she and Spot are going to be flower girls, which causes him to laugh, a great belly laugh that steals my breath and makes me conjure pictures of him out of his clothes, like I’ve been doing since yesterday. And that forbidden image makes my throat constrict, so I jump out of my seat and start cleaning the kitchen.