Baxter chuckles, stooping to greet Honeybun. But it's what's in his mouth that draws a collective gasp from the crowd and sends a blush scorching up my face.

Oh, Honeybun.

Baxter straightens when he sees what's in Honeybun's mouth.

"Uh, yeah... he's a giver," Baxter says sarcastically. He stoops as he reaches for whatever is in Honeybun’s mouth. The dog's jaw is locked tight, his boxer pride loving this attention.

"Come on, asshole," Baxter grumbles, trying to coax the object from Honeybun's mouth. Honeybun, bless his heart, isn't having any of it.

"Sweetie, let Daddy have it," I coo, hoping my voice will do the trick, but Honeybun just wags his tail harder.

"Stubborn fucker," Baxter mutters, but there's no real bite to his words.

I lean in closer, squinting to get a better look at what he's got clenched between those stubborn jaws, and my heart nearly stops.

"Wait a that what I think it is?" I can hear Lila’s voice squeak out. Heat rushes to my cheeks.

"Maybe?" Baxter's reply comes out half-strangled.

"Holy shit!" Ash exclaims, pointing to where Honeybun stands, grinning around a scrap of lace that's undeniably pink.

"Is that a pair of pink panties?"

I hope against hope that maybe, just maybe, they're someone else's. But deep down, I know those pink frilly panties are mine.

I turn towards Baxter, pleading for him to do something.

"Braxton," I whisper, my voice barely more than a horrified whisper. "Help. How did this happen?" I put my head in my hands.

With a sigh, he kneels, his gaze never leaving Honeybun.

"Yeah, … about that," he starts, a crooked half-smile appearing on his face.

"He kind of has a collection."

Laughter ripples through the crowd and I bite my lip to stifle the giggle bubbling up from somewhere deep inside, threatening to break free. I don’t even know where it comes from. It's not the reaction you might expect, considering my underwear is the main attraction, held hostage by my naughty pet.

But there's something funny about the whole situation. Honeybun has definitely stolen Braxton’s thunder tonight.

"Give it here, bud," Braxton murmurs, but Honeybun is darting away with a playful bark, the pink panties flapping in his mouth.

I shake my head and laugh despite my embarrassment. Our romance started with Honeybun's mischief and his morning swims. It's only fitting he starts the engagement off as well.

"Looks like we've got ourselves a panty thief," I say, trying to keep the mood light. Braxton's still wrestling with Honeybun, who thinks this is the best game ever. Everyone laughs.

Braxton gives up the chase and makes his way back to me. His lips brush the crown of my head, sending a shiver right through me. The crowd returns to being social once again, giving us a moment alone. Meanwhile, Honeybun is soaking up the attention.

"Just when I thought tonight couldn’t get any better, it’s definitely better with a bit of Honeybun naughtiness thrown in."

He leans down, his breath a whisper against my ear, sending shivers down my spine despite the warm air.

"And speaking of naughty," he continues, his voice dropping to that husky tone reserved for the moments when it's just us, "I have some rather illicit plans for you later, Miss Flowers. Plans that involve celebrating our engagement in a more... private setting."

"Oh, Mr. Barrows," I manage, playing along with his game, "you do have a way with words."

"Only the best for my future wife and my naughty schoolgirl," he replies, his eyes promising a lot more naughty mischief tonight.

"Come on, then." I nod toward the door, ready to escape the well-meaning eyes of Sea Shanty Cove.