“But he did this to me! All I do is puke. All day. I’m also super horny, but not sure what the puking is doing for my sex life. Ty is tiptoeing around me all the time like I’m going to spew on him or grab his junk. Well, that’s actually kinda funny,” she giggles. “He’s always Mr. ‘I Know Everything, I’m the man of the house, I was a big NFL quarterback, I can handle anything’,” she mocks him, doing her best impression of his deep voice. “He doesn’t have a clue. It’s adorable, really. He’s trying so hard.”

God, they are cute. I feel a twinge of envy. She’s attached to a wonderful man, and I’m out making bets and prostituting myself.

She must sense something is off because I’m unusually silent. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, sister. You don’t need to worry about me. You have a baby to grow and another baby to take care of with your hubby. Your plate is full.”

“I’ll always worry about you. You’ve always been there for me, Abbie. You know you’ll always be my BFF. Girl, I’d bury a body for you. If something’s wrong, tell me. Maybe talking will help?”

Geez, now I feel bad, so I decide to feed her crumbs. “Well, I kind of got into a pickle.” At her sharp intake of breath, I assure her. “It’s nothing I can’t handle. You know me. I just got in a little over my head when I was trying to get a story. But that’s journalism, right?” I laugh nervously, “A little risk for a bigger reward.”

“No,” she says quietly. “That’s not how it works. You work for an entertainment blog, Abbie. You aren't writing a Pulitzer prize story on the war in the Middle East, so you shouldn’t be taking risks.”

“I got it handled. Things got dicey, I negotiated for a story. Now, I have to do some research on it, so I’ll be out of pocket for a couple of days.” I don’t want to tell her I’m just going across town to Chord’s Crossing. She will show up and bring Ty with her. They donotneed to know the lengths I’ve gone to for a story or to stay out of trouble.

“I don’t like it, Abbie. Not one bit. Will you promise to check in? I can send Ty, or better yet, send Chord to handle it. He won’t let anything happen to you.”

Really? Because Chord Gallo is the “pickle” I’ve gotten myself into.

And now all I can think of is Chord’s “pickle.” I groan.

“I promise to check in, ok?” I assure her. “No need to send in the cavalry. I’m a grown woman.”

“Right, okay…,” she sounds doubtful. “I’ll take your word for it, but if you don’t text or call, I’m telling Chord.”

“Alrighty then, I’m letting you go now. Love you, bitch! I’ll check in.” As I hang up, I feel guilty. Grace and I don’t keep secrets from each other, but this is one secret I can’t tell her. She can’t know I’m spending the weekend with a mobster and his “pickle.”

Chapter 7


"She'sallset,"Rykerinforms me. He crosses his arms, standing just inside my office, "Although she wasn't happy when I took her to your penthouse instead of a separate room of her own."

I sent Ryker to pick her up after I texted her to be ready. He’s the only one I trust with my girl.

“Hmmm, not surprising. I figured as much.” Leaning back in my desk chair, I contemplate my next move. I know she won’t be compliant and submissive all weekend, but damned if I’m not looking forward to it. My cock throbs in anticipation when I think of what I’d like to do to my pint-size firecracker over the next couple of days. Forty-eight hours to bed her and claim her. The moment in my basement was a pleasant taste of what’s to come. Pun intended.

And … my balls just got bluer, if that’s possible.

I need to quit thinking dirty thoughts if I’m going to survive and play the long game this weekend.

“Did she say anything about the gifts?”

I spent quite a lot of time choosing the perfect dress for Abbie to wear tonight. Something I never did for a woman prior to her, but I want her to feel what it's like to be pampered and special. She’s lived a frugal life, working two jobs, always taking care of those around her, including her grandmother and Grace. All of this done while putting herself through school. She doesn’t think anyone appreciates her sacrifices, but I acknowledge them. I also intend to provide for her and spoil her, whether she likes it or not. She’s going to have to accept the fact I plan on taking care of her.

I have selfish reasons as well. Her clothes were chosen in anticipation of taking them off of her later tonight. It’ll be like my birthday and Christmas rolled into one as I unwrap my little present.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t get my hopes up about those,” he replies, smirking. Fucker. “She seemed a little offended that you wanted to dress her up like a ‘damn Barbie doll.’ Those might have been her exact words.”

Of course, Ash chooses this exact moment to stroll in. As always, he’s unannounced. “Sup, Ryker?” He fist bumps my badass security guy. Ryker doesn’t fist bump anybody, but Ryker grins at him like a fangirl as he returns the gesture.

“Hey, man! Catch any redfish lately?”

For fuck’s sake, are they besties now? I rub my temples, feeling a headache forming.

“A shit ton last week, my friend. You’ll have to go out with me if this guy,” he throws a thumb my way, “ever allows you to have a life.”

“I’m in,” Ryker says, rubbing his hands, eager at the prospect of hanging out with my good-time friend on his luxury “fishing” yacht.