Page 15 of Sweet Dreams

Mrs. Klaus peered at her over her glasses. "Boy troubles?"

Beth blinked. "What? No, I—how did you...?"

The older woman chuckled. "Honey, I've been around the block a few times. I know that look. So, who is he? That nice cafe owner? What was his name... Zack?"

"No, it's not Zack," Beth sighed, ushering Mrs. Klaus inside. "It's... complicated."

Mrs. Klaus settled onto the couch, patting the spot next to her. "Well, then. Uncomplicate it for me."

Beth sat, running a hand through her unruly curls. "His name is Yuri. He's from Belarus. We met online and... I think I'm falling for him."

Mrs. Klaus's eyebrows shot up. "Belarus? My, my. That's quite a distance."

"I know," Beth groaned. "It's crazy, right? I mean, I've never even met him in person. But when we talk, it's like... like..."

"Like coming home?" Mrs. Klaus supplied softly.

Beth nodded, surprised at the accuracy of the description.

Mrs. Klaus patted her hand. "Love doesn't always make sense, dear. Sometimes, it's just a feeling. A knowing. The question is, what are you going to do about it?"

Before Beth could respond, her phone buzzed. Yuri's face lit up the screen, a video call incoming. Beth's heart did a little flip.

"Speaking of the devil," Mrs. Klaus winked. "Go on, answer it. I'll see myself out. But Beth?" She paused at the door. "Don't let fear stop you from chasing happiness. Even if it's halfway across the world."

With that advice, she left. Beth took a deep breath and answered the call.

"Privet, moye solnyshko!" Yuri's cheerful voice filled the room. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important. Like a top-secret cookie experiment. Or a heated debate about the merits of sprinkles versus chocolate chips."

Beth couldn't help but smile. "Nope, no cookie emergencies at the moment. Although I did just have a rather crypticconversation with my neighbor about chasing happiness across continents."

Yuri's eyebrows rose. "Oh? And what brought on this intercontinental discussion?"

Beth felt her cheeks warm. "Oh, you know. Just... general life pondering. Nothing specific."

"Uh-huh," Yuri smirked. "And I suppose this pondering has nothing to do with a devilishly handsome Belarusian who's been occupying your thoughts?"

"Devilishly handsome? My, someone's confident," Beth teased, grateful for the shift to lighter territory.

Yuri struck a dramatic pose. "What can I say? It's a curse, really. The burden of being irresistible."

Beth laughed, the tension in her chest easing. This was why she was falling for him. He could make her laugh even when her thoughts were a tangled mess.

"So," Yuri continued, his tone softening. "What's really on your mind, moye solnyshko? You seem... pensive."

Beth sighed, fiddling with a loose thread on her sweater. "I just... I've been thinking about us. About what we're doing here."

Yuri's smile faded slightly. "Having second thoughts?"

"No!" Beth said quickly. "No, not at all. It's just... is this crazy? We've never even met in person. We live on different continents. And yet..."

"And yet?" Yuri prompted gently.

"And yet I've never felt this way about anyone before," Beth admitted softly. "It's scary."

Yuri was quiet for a moment. When he spoke, his voice was low and serious. "I know, Beth. I feel it too. The distance, the uncertainty... it's not easy. But when I talk to you, when I see your smile... nothing else matters."

Beth felt tears prick in her eyes. "Yuri..."