"My hero," Beth said dramatically, placing a hand over her heart. Then, dropping the act, "So, what's up? Shouldn't you be drowning in paperwork right now?"
Yuri groaned, running a hand through his hair. "I needed a break. One can only read so many legal documents before one's eyes start to cross. Besides," he added with a wink, "I much prefer looking at you."
Beth felt her cheeks warm. "Flatterer. I'll have you know I'm a mess. I'm covered in flour, my hair's a disaster, and I smell like burnt cookies."
"Sounds perfect," Yuri murmured.
There was a moment of charged silence, filled with things unsaid. Beth's heart raced. This was dangerous territory.
"So," she said brightly, breaking the tension. "Tell me more about this paperwork. Anything exciting? Any deep, dark secrets of the Belarusian nightclub scene?"
Yuri chuckled. "Alas, no. Just boring legal stuff. I'm trying to settle some final accounts from Rhapsody."
Beth's smile faded. She knew how much the loss of his club still hurt him. "I'm sorry, Yuri. That must be tough."
He shrugged, but she could see the sadness in his eyes. "It is what it is. But enough about my troubles. Tell me about your day, moye solnyshko. Any more baking disasters I should know about?"
As Beth launched into a detailed account of her morning, complete with dramatic reenactments of the Great Gingerbread Tragedy, she felt a warm glow in her chest. It was so easy with Yuri, so natural. Like they'd known each other for years instead of days.
Their conversation flowed effortlessly, from baking to music to childhood memories. Beth found herself sharing stories she'd never told anyone, not even Kelly. And Yuri listened, really listened, his eyes warm and attentive.
It wasn't until Reese knocked on the office door that Beth realized an hour had passed.
"Boss? Sorry to interrupt your, uh, 'business call,' but we've got a situation out here. Mrs. Klaus is demanding her usual order but with a 'festive twist.' Whatever that means."
Beth groaned. "I'll be right there!" To Yuri, she said apologetically, "Duty calls. Raincheck?"
"Always," Yuri smiled. "Go save Christmas, Baker Beth. I'll be here, drowning in paperwork and dreaming of gingerbread."
As Beth ended the call and hurried out to deal with the latest crisis, she couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted.This thing with Yuri, whatever it was, was quickly becoming more than just fun.
It was becoming real. And that was both exciting and terrifying.
But as she plastered on a smile and prepared to face Mrs. Klaus and her demands for 'festive twists,' Beth realized something. She looked forward to tomorrow for the first time since the Keith debacle. And the day after that. And the day after that.
All because of a charming Belarusian with a killer accent and a knack for making her laugh.
Maybe, just maybe, this Christmas would be sweet after all.
The kitchen of Sweet Dreams was a full of chaos. Mixers whirred, ovens dinged, and in the center of it all, Beth pirouetted between workstations like a sugar-dusted ballerina.
"Reese!" she called over her shoulder, "How's that gingerbread house coming along?"
Reese, up to her elbows in royal icing, grimaced. "Let's just say it's more 'Leaning Tower of Pisa' than 'winter wonderland' right now."
Beth suppressed a laugh. "Well, as long as it's structurally sound enough to—"
The cheerful chime of the bakery's bell cut her off. Zack strolled in, a paper bag in one hand and a tray of coffee cups in the other.
"Ladies," he grinned, "I come bearing gifts. Thought you might need a pick-me-up."
"Zack," Beth breathed, "you're a lifesaver." She grabbed a cup, inhaling deeply. "Is this the new blend we talked about?"
Zack nodded eagerly. "Yep! Cinnamon and star anise."
Beth took a sip, her eyes widening. "Zack, this is even better than the first batch you brought us.”