
Was it weird that I wanted to fuck Grim even if he looked like a skeleton? Did it make me weird? Maybe. Who cared? I was the woman who was going to have her soul eaten by an ancient monster. No afterlife for me. Might as well enjoy the present and not spoil it with useless judgments.

His cock was so pale that it was almost gray. It was thick and long, and perfectly smooth, with no throbbing veins, since his body was empty of blood and any other fluids. It should’ve been the opposite of sexy, yet somehow, it wasn’t. Sex was supposed to be dirty, people said. With Grim, it was so neat and clean that I didn’t even need to take a shower after. I wrapped my hand around his shaft and started stroking him slowly, and he soon rewarded me with wisps of darkness that flowed out of the slit and swirled around my hand, up to my wrist. It was like gooey smoke clinging to me, silky and cool. I used my other hand to cup his heavy balls, and Grim let out a grunt. More darkness seeped out of his engorged head, and I felt my pussy throb with need. I wanted his darkness inside me. I wanted him to pour it into me and fill me with it.

But what if before that...

I moved down his body and pushed his knees apart so I could settle between them. Grim sat up on his elbows and looked down at me, confusion etched on his skeletal face.

“What are you doing?”

I looked at him through my long, dark lashes, and grinned. “What does it look like I’m doing?”

He opened his mouth to say something – try to stop me, maybe – but I licked his length from his balls to the tip before he could form the words. He let out a growl, so deep and primal thatit sounded almost animalistic. His bones started glowing. The magic inside him and around him reacted to my actions.


“Mmm...” I couldn’t talk with my mouth full. And what was there to talk about? I wanted to taste him.

I wrapped my lips around the head of his cock and sucked gently. His darkness didn’t taste like anything in particular, and his skin tasted... like skin. I wasn’t sure what I’d expected. His body didn’t produce any sweat or smells. It was easy to kiss him, easy to lick him. I wanted more just because I could see what my blowjob was doing to him. He trembled slightly under me, and I pinned his hips down and held him in place, so I could better attack him with my mouth. I bobbed my head up and down, pushing his cock deeper into my throat. I felt his darkness glide down my throat and make its way through my chest. It was cool and refreshing, and it didn’t follow the natural trajectory to my stomach. It was as if it had a will of its own, and once it found its way inside my body, it sought to spread through me, through every corner of my being, and wrap itself around my organs. I was inhaling it through my mouth, and it filled my lungs, hugged my heart, and wrapped itself around my liver. It was hard to describe... how it felt. Like Grim was claiming me... completely. The very essence of him was taking possession of me.

“If you keep doing that...” he said.

The way he spoke the words, low and husky, made me suck him harder. I moved faster, using one hand to rub his cock as my mouth moved up and down. He fell onto the pillows, his body tensing up. He let out a moan as he poured himself into my mouth, burst after burst of darkness slipping down my throat. I didn’t even have to swallow it. It just made its way inside me, filling my chest, rolling down into my stomach, wrapping itself around my ovaries and even reaching the inside of my womb. My mouth full of his darkness and his cock, my eyes rolled backinto my head, and I came a second time without even needing stimulation.

No, that was wrong, in fact. I had stimulation. His darkness had filled my womb and was now pressing onto my cervix, thin wisps of it slipping into my pussy. The sensation was overwhelming and utterly sinful. It should’ve been impossible. I came fast and hard, my pussy shooting a stream of juices onto the white sheets. When I finally let Grim’s cock slip out of my mouth and I looked down between my legs, I saw that my juices were tinged with dark streaks that soon evaporated.

I sat up, panting. Grim reached for me, and I let him pull me back on top of him. He wrapped his arms around me, and I realized I was shaking.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Mhm.” I nodded into the crook of his neck, not trusting my voice to speak.

I was full of him. And it was strange, because he was undead, but the wisps of black magic his body produced made me feel so alive that my head started spinning. I wanted more. I needed more.

“Fill me again,” I whispered in his ear.

Before he got the chance to understand the meaning of my demand, I raised my hips, took hold of his cock, and impaled myself on him. He was wet with my saliva, and I was soaked so badly that I’d have to change the sheets after. His cock slipped inside me in a simple, swift motion, and my pussy enveloped it greedily, throbbing and pulling him in, wanting to milk him already.

“You’re relentless,” he said.

Of course I was. No one had ever fucked me this good. The few experiences I’d had eight years ago had been with one guy – Elysia’s father – and they’d been lackluster, if not downright sad. Two inexperienced idiots who should’ve focused on schoolinstead of messing around, trying to do adult stuff. I didn’t regret it, because my daughter was the best thing that had happened to me, but I certainly didn’t miss it. I loved the fact that Grim was erasing all those memories. I was so full of him – literally – that it felt like he was the first man in my life.

I sat up and started riding him fast and hard. I placed my hands on his chest for support, and he cupped my breasts with his hands and held them, keeping them from bouncing painfully. He stared at me with those dark pits of his. His skull shined in the warm light coming from the lamp, and his skeleton glowed eerily. He was pure magic, and I didn’t even care about the patches of melted skin that covered him here and there, a reminder of what he’d endured in his mortal life. How could I hate those parts of his flesh? What had happened to him wasn’t his fault. His pain and suffering had made him into who he was, and he was the most amazing man I’d ever met.

I angled my hips just so, and his cock hit the most delicious spot inside me. I let out a small cry, trying to be mindful that we weren’t alone in the house. I closed my eyes, feeling the orgasm build in my core.

“No, look at me,” he said.

I opened them back and stared at his skull face. The only thing I would’ve loved was for him to have had eyes. I wondered what the color of his eyes had been when he was human. I bit my lip, unsure if I should ask. Earlier, he’d made me promise to never call him by his mortal name. He wanted to forget everything about Ansel Sullivan, while I wanted to learn everything about Ansel Sullivan.

“That’s it,” he said. “Look at me, Millie.”

I smiled. It was progress, for sure. From not wanting me to look at his naked form, to demanding that I stayed focused on him. As my pleasure mounted and mounted, I forced myself to keep my eyes open.

“You want to see what you’re doing to me,” I said. I let out a whimper followed by a moan. “So close. Are you close?”
