“No. They don’t speak to me, only to you. Don’t listen to them. Come on.”
He tried to pull me towards the door, but my legs refused to move. I was stuck in place, and when he saw his efforts werepointless, he lifted me into his arms. I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my head in his chest.
“Take me to my room,” I whispered.
I thought he was going to walk out of the sunroom and up the stairs, but he chose to fulfill my wish in a different way. One moment, we were in the sunroom, surrounded by Poppets tapping on the windows, the next, we were in the middle of my bedroom. I opened my eyes and blinked in confusion. Whisps of dark fog danced around us, only to disappear seconds later like dust chased by a draft.
“What...? How did you do that?”
“I figured it was much easier to teleport,” he said, gently placing me down on my feet.
I clung to him, though, not wanting to let go. “I thought teleporting was much more complicated than this. That I’d feel… dizzy.”
Grim smiled, his teeth showing in a creepy, yet such a familiar way. His smile warmed my heart.
“I’m a smooth teleporter,” he said.
“I guess you are”. I lifted myself on my toes and reached for his face. He had one arm around my waist, and he was holding his scythe with his other hand. “Grim,” I whispered, my gaze falling to his lips. “What took you so long? You’ve been gone all day.”
“I went to see a friend,” he said. “Then I tried to find answers to your problem, but... We have to wait.”
I nodded, biting my lower lip. My face was inches from his. His lips were thin and pale. Seeing him from up close, I realized that there was some substance to him, even where it seemed like there was just bone, shiny and exposed. I couldn’t begin to understand how he was made, how he was held together by the magic that had revived him and recreated him a century ago.
“I’m sorry I don’t have better news,” he said.
“Shh...” I closed the space between us, pressed myself to him, and kissed him right on the mouth.
I felt him tense up. His hand, which had been resting on my lower back, gripped my shirt. For a moment, I thought he was going to pull away. He didn’t. He stood there, stunned, not knowing what to do. When I started moving my lips against his bony ones, he slowly responded. It was as if I had to coax him, assure him this was okay, show him that I wanted it.
In the end, he did pull away and looked deep into my eyes. I wondered what he saw when he stared into my blue irises like that. Did he see my soul? Because I could see nothing when I stared into his endless sockets, and it bothered me a little, to be fair. It was as if he was a mystery that I was never going to solve.
“Millie,” he whispered my name like a prayer. “Why?”
“What do you mean?”
“You could have any man... Why me?”
“Because you see me,” I said, clinging to him once more, pulling his face to mine.
“This can’t end well.”
“I don’t care.” I pressed my mouth to his again, kissing him hard. “I have less than two weeks to live.” I took his hand and led him to my four-poster bed. “I’ve been so sad for so long, and I’m tired of feeling sad and lonely. Will you help me feel happy for the little while I have left on this earth?”
He followed me, and when we reached the bed, I gently touched his hand that was holding his scythe. I could swear... he never seemed to let go of that thing. I knew I wasn’t supposed to touch it, so with a brush of my fingers on his wrist, I signaled I wanted him to leave it somewhere for once. I needed to feel both his hands on me. He understood, because he stepped away and left it leaning against the wall, next to the nightstand.
“Are you sure?” he asked.
I sat on the edge of the bed and slowly removed my shirt. “Yes.”
He looked at me with such intensity that I felt naked before him, even if I wasn’t. Yet.
“You know I can’t...” He ran his fingers over his cloak, where it was well secured over his chest.
“I don’t care. With or without it, I want you.” I removed my bra, then, letting him see my round, heavy breasts. It was annoying that I couldn’t read his face – because there was nothing to read; bones didn’t exactly have... features – but the low growl that escaped him told me all I needed to know.
“You don’t know what you’re doing to me,” he said in a low, husky voice. He moved closer, until he was standing between my knees. His hand reached out, and the tips of his fingers traced the curve of my breast.
“I think I have an idea...” My breath hitched when his fingers brushed my nipple.