“See, the drive isn't that far,” Daisy says as we pull up outside of her building. As I thought there would be, there’s a doorman. I have no doubt that Jameson made sure this place had top of the line security before he let his daughter agree to move in here. It’s one of the many things I respect about him. He’s protective over his girls. The same way my dad is with my mom. I’ve learned my skills from two of the best.

I grunt my agreement. It is far enough, if you ask me. I pull the truck around so we can start to get some of the boxes out. The reality of her moving away is finally starting to settle in now that we’re here.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” I hear her say as she slips out of the truck. I come around to the other side.

“Why?” Wasn't this part of her plan? Daisy always has a plan. Once upon a time I thought I was a part of that plan too. Then something changed and it seemed as though she had forgotten what our destiny was. She looks up at me, licking her bottom lip. My rock-hard cock presses up against the zipper of my pants, begging for me to take her mouth. To finally take a taste of what’s mine. How long have I wondered what she tastes like?

“I thought it would be something different.” I bring my hand down her hip, pulling her into me. “Did you think it would be me and you? Isn't that what you always said? You were gonna marry me one day.”

Her cheeks pinken. “I did think that at one point.” She places a hand on my chest.

“What changed?”

“You.” She drops her hand away, stepping back. I grab her, pulling her back into me.

“Me? What are you talking about?”

“Ms. Price?”

She tries to step back again. I reluctantly let her hand go, not wanting to have this conversation in front of anyone else.

“Call me Daisy.” She holds her hand out to the man. “And this is Eric. He’s my—”


Daisy’s mouth falls open. I shrug, not caring. I hold my hand out to shake his. I give it an extra squeeze before I release it. He yanks it back. Daisy is trying to glare at me, but I can tell she wants to laugh.

“Is there anything we can help you with?” he asks, looking between us.

“We just have these boxes from my parents’ house. Everything else should have been delivered this week.”

“Indeed. We’ve had stuff coming all week.”

“Can we steal an elevator? I can pack everything in one and just have one or two trips.”

“Of course.” He walks over to the glass door, pulling it open and putting a door stop in it.

“Don’t tell me you got it. I can lift boxes too.” She walks over to the back of the truck, grabbing one. I do the same. It doesn't take us long to get everything up to her floor. She unlocks the door, holding it open so we can pack the rest of the stuff inside.

“I think my mom went overboard.” Daisy laughs as I set some boxes down. There are some boxes that look like they have furniture in them that needs to be put together. Some stuff like the sofa and end tables are ready to go. Looks as though I’ll be needing to spend some significant time here to help get the rest of this stuff all put together.

“Well, thanks for helping me today. I know how busy you are these days so I appreciate it.”

Is she trying to get rid of me already? I turn my attention back toward her. Her eyes look everywhere but at me. I lift my hand, placing it under her chin. Her eyes finally settle back on mine.

“I’m never too busy for you, Daisy.”

She gives me that shy smile as my thumb rubs back and forth over her smooth skin. I want to lean in and taste her. I want to tell her more, but I stop myself. She’s not ready to hear it yet. We stare at each other in silence for a few moments before her stomach loudly growls. “Let’s get you something to eat.” I want to devour her, but instead I drop my hand and pull up the food delivery app on my phone.

“Pepperoni with extra olives and extra cheese?”

“Yeah.” She smiles. I add on a cookie pizza and a bottle of Coke, guessing there is nothing in the fridge. Daisy is once again looking around everywhere. I walk over to her purse, picking it up. I fish out her notebook and pen.

“What are you doing?”

“Helping you. Sit.” I point to the sofa. “Sit.” She walks over and plops down. I hand her the notebook. “Make the list.”