“Come on. I think everyone knows I’m in love with him.” I haven't been as vocal about it as I’ve gotten older, but it’s still obvious. I’m not the best at hiding it. Wherever Eric is, I’m never far away if we are in the same vicinity.

“What are you going to say to him then?”

I stand up, going over to my dresser and pulling out the present I got him. He’s going off to school, and I want him to have something to remember me by. I hope he doesn't think it’s silly.

“That I’m his and he’s mine.”

Noelle snorts a laugh. “That actually might work. You’re the only one who can boss the Davis boys around.”

I smile because it’s mostly true.

“Let’s go.” I give myself one last look in the mirror, fluffing out my dark hair. Noelle straightens her glasses, not caring what she looks like. It always blows my mind when she goes from geek to chic.

We head out toward the backyard. People have already started arriving. I look around for Eric but don’t see him anywhere. I know he’s got to be close. His parents are both here and so are his brothers. This is his graduation party too.

Both Eric and my brother powered through high school, skipping their senior year. They both pretty much have their lives planned out. I’m just hoping that Eric’s plan includes me. Sometimes I think both of them are forty-year-olds trapped inside teenage bodies.

It probably has something to do with the fact that we all know that they’ll take over for our parents one day. Both Eric and Josh are cowboys through and through, but most of the family wealth comes from the oil that runs on both my parents’ lands and Eric’s parents’. It has always made our families close.

We do everything together. We may not be family by blood, but I still call PJ my aunt and Davis my uncle. Even though Davis is his last name that’s what everyone calls him besides PJ. Truth be told, they are more like a second set of parents to me.

“I don’t see him,” Noelle says from beside me, pushing her glasses up her nose.

“I’ll go ask Josh.” He’ll know where he is.

“I’m gonna get a drink. Good luck.” She winks at me, heading over to where the drinks are being set out. I watch as she talks to the other two Davis brothers, Bryson and Cooper

“Why is Noelle talking to them?” I turn my head to see my brother standing right in front of me now. He’s in his normal shirt and jeans with boots on. He looks so much like our dad. I think he might even end up bigger than him. He’s got his arms crossed glaring toward Noelle. He’s always so protective.

“She’s getting something to drink.” I roll my eyes. Josh can be protective over Noelle. I get it. She’s been around since I started kindergarten and we became best friends. He’s always watched out for her as though she was another little sister to him. “Where is Eric?”


My face warms under my brother's stare. He knows exactly why I’m looking for Eric. Josh and I have been doing this same song and dance since I was a little girl about Eric. One of these days he’ll get it through his thick skull that eventually Eric and I are going to be together.

“I need to talk to him.” I wet my lips.

“You gotta let this crush go. I heard you snuck into his room the other night.”

My mouth falls open. “He told you that?” I hiss.

“No, I overheard Mom and Dad talking.” Oh. I felt betrayed for a second. I should have known Eric would never do that to me.

“Where is he?”

Josh pulls his hat off, running his fingers through his short hair, something he does when he’s skirting around an answer. Or when he has a secret that he doesn’t want me to know. I bet he doesn’t even realize he has a tell. But I’ve been on to him since we were younger.

“Josh.” I poke him in the chest with my finger.

“He’s in the barn.”

“Thank you.” I turn to walk away, but Josh grabs me by the arm, pulling me back to him.

“He’s in the barn with Missy Phillips.”

I purse my lips at her name. “No he’s not.” Missy Phillips has had a crush on both my brother and Eric for years. She has practically dated everyone in their class. Josh nods toward the barn, causing my eyes to stray there.

I watch as Eric comes out with Missy right behind him. She seems to be fixing her dress. My stomach turns. Everything I thought I knew comes crashing down around me. Tears begin to form in my eyes at Eric’s betrayal. “No.”

“Daisy. You have to let this go. He’s going to college. You're going to enjoy the rest of your high school years. I don’t want you to miss this time in your life.”