“It’s my job to protect you.” He’s right. He has always protected me, even from the small things. Always hovering close by in case I needed him. It used to drive his brothers and mine nuts because he wouldn’t go play with them. He just wanted to sit wherever I was playing.

“Okay.” I agree. He slowly puts me on my feet. “So we’re doing this?”

“There’s never been a time that we haven’t been doing this. We just got a little hung up. I thought I should wait until you graduated.” But I’d pulled away before that.

“So really we only lost a few months?” I bite my lips. That doesn't sound so bad when I think of it that way.

“It was rough. I can promise you that.” I can see the pain in his eyes. Guilt hits me. I’m not sure if I should have it or not. It doesn't matter. That’s all behind us now. We’re moving forward toward the destiny we were always meant to have.

“I’m sorry,” I say again, reaching up to touch his face. The thought of him hurting in any way because of me doesn’t sit well. It weighs heavily on me. It’s dumb because we were both so young when it happened.

“It’s fine.” He grabs my hand, kissing my palm. “It gave me time to work on our place.”

“I haven’t been over to see it in years.” I know the house. There are a handful of houses between my parents' land and his family’s. The one he moved into has always been my favorite. It has a wraparound porch that I’ve pictured myself on many times. It needed a little work, but Eric always said he’d fix it up for me.

“It could use a few of your touches. I’m shit at decorating.”

“Are you asking me to move in with you? 'Cause as much as that sounds wonderful I kinda just moved in here.”

“When you come home on the weekends. You’ll stay with me at our place. You only have a couple years here, and we’ll make it work. I’ll come here as often as I can, and you’ll do the same.” He makes it all sound so easy. Maybe it is.

“I don’t have classes on Friday so that’s an extra day.” I did that on purpose knowing I’d likely get homesick. I’ve never been a city girl, but this is where the good schools are. He drops another kiss on my lips. I can’t believe this is finally happening.

“I love you,” I tell him again.

“I love you too.”

I lay my head on his chest. “Let’s not tell Noelle and Josh tonight.” I feel his body tense. I lift my head to look up at him. “We should tell everyone tomorrow. When our moms are here. Don’t you think?”

“Yeah.” His face softens. He kisses my forehead. “Why don’t you get ready for bed? We’ve been working all day.” He steps back. I watch him reach down and adjust himself. My face warms.

“You didn't get it—” I trail off.

“I did. I’m going to clean up in the bathroom.”

“Oh.” My face gets even warmer. He steps back farther, reaching for the bedroom door handle and pulling it open. “Use my bathroom.”

His thumb rubs across my bottom lip. “Can’t stop touching you.”

I kiss it. “Go before we get busted.”

His hand drops. I watch as he walks into the bathroom. It takes everything in me not to do a silly happy dance. Instead I walk over to the bed, falling back on it.

I should have never doubted it. Eric and I have always been an us.5EricI lie on the sofa knowing I’m not going to get any sleep tonight. I rub the center of my chest. I don’t know what’s changed for Daisy, but it doesn’t matter now. She’s all in when it comes to us now.

Maybe it was just high school or something. She didn’t want to be tied down to someone she couldn’t even be with. That shit hurts, but it’s not going to stand in the way of us. I never saw her date anyone, but I spent almost two years in the city going to college. Josh and I had gone together. We’d lived together the same as Daisy and Noelle are doing now.

We buckled down and powered through because it’s what our parents wanted us to do. They were worried we were going to take over the family business because we felt a sense of obligation to do it. They thought college would give us a chance to see what else was out there. So that we could make an informed decision for our future. All it did for me was remind me of how much I don’t like the city. I missed the quiet and simple life back home. But I knew the quicker I got through school and got all my shit together meant the quicker I could start working on making Daisy mine.