“I forget how well you know me.” She takes the notebook from my hand.

“I’ve made it my mission in life to know everything about you, Daisy.”

“You have to stop saying stuff like that.”

“I couldn't if I tried. Make your list. I’m going to start building some of this crap.”

“Thanks.” She starts scribbling down all the things she needs to do. Whenever she gets overwhelmed, lists always calm her down. They force her to focus so she knows where to start. I head back toward the bedrooms.

The place isn't big, but it’s not small either. The girls will be more than comfortable here. I step into the room where Daisy had put a few of her boxes down and I get to work on the bed frame. It seems like the first thing she’ll need. Hell, if I work slowly enough I’ll have a reason to stay.4DaisyHe’s driving me crazy. My eyes follow Eric as he mounts my TV to the wall. What is it about a man doing work in the house that is such a turn-on? I watch the muscles in his arms flex. I’ve always loved how much bigger he is compared to me. When I stand next to him I only come up to his chest.

Eric and my brother have been hard at work all afternoon and into the night helping us get our place together. It was sweet, and I am happy because I don’t want Eric to leave. I’ve forgotten how much I enjoy him being around. I’ve missed him and how close we used to be. I hate that we lost all that time. Even back then he didn't see me the same as I saw him. Things are different now though. We’re both adults who no longer live under our parents’ roofs.

I get up from the bed as Eric starts messing with the channels on the TV making sure it’s working right. I close my bedroom door. He looks my way lifting his eyebrows.

“You’re driving me crazy,” I blurt out.

“I’m sorry?” he says, looking adorably confused. He drops the remote onto the bed.

“You keep touching me and grazing past me. Earlier before my brother and Noelle got here I thought you were going to kiss me.” I lick my lips. I’d wanted him to so badly. But I needed him to make the move because I would never be able to handle being rejected by him. I need to know that he wants the same thing that I do.

“Do you want me to kiss you?” His eyes drop to my mouth.

“Well. Not like that.” I scrunch my nose. “You’re supposed to kiss me because you want to. Like you’re…” my words trail off as he moves toward me in three steps. His hands go into my hair, titling my head back. My eyes meet his.

“Been waiting my whole life for this,” he says before his mouth is on mine. I gasp as his tongue slips past my lips.

He groans when I tangle my tongue with his. He lifts me off the ground, pinning me to the wall. I wrap my legs and arms around him. My body needs to be as close to his as possible. I’ve waited so long for this. I rock against him, my whole body buzzing with need. Trying to get the friction it needs to stop the ache that I’ve had for so long for him.


“Yeah, babe.”

“I don’t know what I was going to say.” I kiss him again. This time it’s him that thrusts against me, hitting my sex. He’s hard. I get a thrill knowing that I’ve turned him on. His mouth moves to my neck, kissing and sucking. I rock my hips with him, wishing there weren't any clothes between us.

“Eric,” I whimper. Still not knowing what I need.

“You need to come.”

“Oh.” I push my chest into his, feeling my orgasm coming.

“Going to come for me.” He pulls back, his eyes locking with mine. “I want to watch it.” My breath hitches at the intensity of his gaze. I’ve never seen him like this before. My eyes start to fall closed. “Open them,” he growls. The sound sends me over as he keeps thrusting against my clit, his eyes never leaving mine as I come for him. I dig my fingers into him, the feeling like nothing I’ve ever experienced before.

He buries his face in my neck, his breath warm against my skin. “God, I’ve missed you so damn much,” he says. A lump forms in my throat. He pulls back to look at me. “I’ve loved you my whole life. That has never changed and never will.” A tear escapes. “That wasn't supposed to make you cry.” He kisses the tear, stopping it in its tracks.

“I love you too. I’m sorry I pulled away. I was trying to protect myself.” I regret that day that I didn't walk up to him and ask him what he was doing.