He takes a step into my bedroom. I take another step back as he kicks the door shut. He turns and flips the lock next. I lick my lips.

“You ran from me.” I nod. “I warned you.” I nod again. He grabs me around the waist. I let out a small scream as he drops me onto my bed, coming down over me and pinning my hands to the mattress as his mouth takes mine. I moan at his possessiveness. The way he always dominates me with this need to reassure himself I’m his alone has me wet between my thighs. He doesn't stop until we’re both breathless. “Tell me,” he says, dropping his face into my neck.

“There is something you’re not saying to me and I don’t like it. What happened the last time something bothered us and we didn't talk to each other?”

“Fuck.” He kisses my neck, starting to get it. “You love the city now.”

“Stop saying that! I said it’s not terrible.”

“I’ll do whatever you want, Daisy. You know that. If you’re changing your mind—I know we were young when we said all the things we wanted. People change. Ideas change.”

“You’re losing me here. My idea of us will never change.”

“No it won’t,” he growls, lifting his head. “I’m talking about where we live. If you want to stay in the city—”

“Stay in the city? Like to really live? Forever?”

He nods. “If that’s what you want.”

I burst out laughing. Not because this is funny, but his face looks so pained at even thinking about living in the city, but here he is still trying to make my dreams come true.

“We need to get two things straight here.” I go to lift my hand to do two fingers, but they're still pinned. The look Eric gives me lets me know that’s not changing at the moment. “First, not everything is about my dreams. There are two of us. Your dreams are important too. Second, I will never want to stay in the city. I’m trying to see the upside of it because we’ve got another year there.” He drops his forehead to mine.

“I’ll never not open my mouth. We don’t do that shit.”

“No, we don’t do that shit,” I agree, wrapping my legs around him.

“Daisy,” he growls. “We’re in your parents’ house.”

“Yeah, have you ever thought about sneaking into my room and taking me on this bed?” He sucks in a deep breath. “Can’t tell you how many times I laid in the bed thinking about you while I touched myself?”

“You’re going to kill me.” He kisses me again. I start to pull at his clothes.

“Everything okay?” my mom calls out. “I can come back later, but I was thinking about the floor plan for the wedding and—”

“I’ll be there in a second,” I call out, knowing she’s not going to quit.

“Okay! I’ll make tea.” Thank God Eric and I have our own place.

“You better be fucking quick.” His voice is low and very unhelpful to the throb between my legs. He pulls me up from the bed. I start to head to the door, but he snags me around the waist, pulling me back to him. “You’re going to show me exactly how you touch your sweet pussy when we get home,” he orders.

“I will if you will.” I give him a wicked look.

“Fuck.” He kisses me again. “I love you so damn much.”

“I love you too, cowboy. Always have, always will, and I’ll always be yours.”EpilogueEric7 months laterI’m too old for this shit. I run my hand down my face willing myself to fall asleep. The last thing I need to be doing on my wedding day is dragging my ass. I have no idea where the moms came up with the bright idea that the bride and the groom should not spend the night before the wedding together.

Not only that, I’d then been wrangled into staying in my childhood bedroom. I’d rather be in my own house. Where my sheets smell like Daisy and everywhere I look there are pieces of her. On the bright side, my two brothers are home for the wedding, and it’s always nice to catch up with them. Not nicer than being in bed with my Daisy, but beggars can’t be choosers.

I just keep reminding myself that come tomorrow Daisy will finally be mine in every way. Then in a handful of weeks she’ll be done with this round of school, and I can take her on our honeymoon, and I’ll get to spend the summer with my wife in my bed every night. No more of this split shit where I go four nights a week without her. I don’t want to think about how it’s going to be when summer ends and she goes back to school.

I jerk up from bed when I hear a scratching noise. A smile pulls at my lips as I get up from my bed and walk over to my window. I’m not one bit shocked to see Daisy climbing up the side of the house like it’s nothing. I open the window, causing her to look up.