“Where do we start?” Bunny asks my mom as she pulls out two big scrapbook looking things.

“Mom I think this is overkill,” Daisy says as she stands and grabs another book out of the box. “You can’t possibly incorporate all this into one wedding.”

“I know, but we’ll have Noelle’s to do next.”

I grab Daisy pulling her back down in my lap.

“What?!” Noelle’s eyes are wide behind her thick-framed black glasses. She looks over her shoulder, I’m guessing for Josh, but he’s in her bedroom finishing her bookcase.

“I’m just saying there will be more weddings.” Bunny winks at Noelle, and I know she’s right. When Josh and I talked shit out he admitted how long he’s been in love with Noelle. He’s not going to wait long. Both Josh and I are over the waiting shit.

Noelle grabs one of the books and starts flipping through it too. Daisy leans back, resting her head on me. “This is going to get out of control.”

“Yep.” I agree. “But would you want it any other way?”

She giggles. “No, I guess not. This is what makes us, well, us.” She is right. And there is no better family than ours. Crazy moms and all.10Daisy“You all right over there?” Eric gives me one of his rare smiles when he glances over at me in the passenger seat.

“Just excited to go home this weekend. Planning a wedding and now my best friend is pregnant with my brother's baby, so there’s a lot to do. We’ll need to plan their wedding too. Can you believe we’re going to be an aunt and uncle?” I’ve been smiling so much over the last month that I think my face is permanently stuck this way.

“How are the wedding plans?”

“Going? The moms are getting a little out of control. How come they aren't all over Noelle?”

“I don’t see Noelle as a girl who would want a big wedding with all that attention. Josh either.”

That is true. Her mom had her in so many pageants growing up. She liked to fill Noelle’s head with the idea that being pretty was all a girl is good for. And Noelle is pretty. I don’t think she lost any of those competitions. Yet, I know as the years went on she began to hate every second of them. Once she was finally out of that world it was jeans, sneakers, cowboy boots and glasses for her.

“Hey wait a second.” I turn, pointing at Eric. “Are you saying I need attention?”

“I know your brother calls Noelle ‘princess’, but we all know who the true princess is around here, cowgirl.” I lean back in my seat. “Not denying it, I see.”

“You’re asking for it.” I point my finger at him.

“When it comes to you I am always looking for it.” My body starts to warm. Eric and I can't keep our hands off each other. Through the week when I was in the city and he was back home at our house, it was rough for the both of us. I’m glad my coursework has kept me busy. I cram it in to make sure I get everything done when Eric isn't around. It also helps that I don’t have classes on Friday. It lets me have nice long weekends with my man.

“When do you think we’ll have babies?”

“We can do it right now if you want.” I snort a laugh. I’ve been on birth control since my periods got out of control in high school. “When you’re done with school?”

“Yeah,” I agree. “I am enjoying the you and me time. We’ll have forever to have babies, but if we did get the itch in a year we could start trying then. I’d be done with the program by the time my little girl would be here.”

“Little girl?”

“Don’t you want two of me?” I give him my biggest teasing smile.

“Promise you babe. There will never be two of you. The world couldn't handle it.”

I shake my head at him. This was another thing I’d missed in the years I’d spent avoiding him. No one made me laugh more than him and no one could give me a hard time like him either.

“Is the driving back and forth getting to you? I know you don’t care much for the city.”

“You’re in the city. When I head toward it that’s all I’m thinking about.” This is true. “You don’t care for the city either. How are you handling it?”

I shrug. “It actually hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be, and I’m enjoying my classes a lot. Not to mention you can order food any time of the day and they just deliver it to you. It’s like magic.” He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes this time. “The only thing it’s missing is you.” That gets me that gorgeous smile of his.