“I swear you’re your dad’s clone or something.” Bunny is just smiling ear to ear about us too. It took us ten minutes to calm them down, which didn't last long when they noticed what was going on with Josh and Noelle.

“I know. It’s crazy how much kids pick up from their parents when it comes to relationships.” Bunny winks at us. “You guys are lucky you had us as parents.” PJ nods in agreement. They aren't wrong. Our parents are madly in love.

“You taught me how to make out in the kitchen.” Daisy smirks at her mom.

“I can’t help it if your father can’t keep his hands off me.”

“Jameson always gets her in the kitchen so he can distract her from whatever it is she’s trying to cook. He’s smart.”

Bunny narrows her eyes at my mom, causing us all to burst out laughing. “One of these days I’m going to make something so good that you’ll all have to eat your words.” That only makes us crack up more. “Maybe I’ll take a shot at making your wedding cake.” That shuts us all up.

This time it’s Bunny who's smiling. “Speaking of wedding cakes and getting married, when are you two going to get on that?” You can always count on my mom to get straight to the point.

I’m surprised it took her this long to ask. They’ve been here a few hours, but we’ve all been pretty busy. Mom took over the kitchen and Bunny was helping Daisy get her room together. I think she really just wanted some alone time with her daughter to fish for more information. Bunny and my mom worked as a team. They divided and conquered, gathering whatever information they could from each of us and then sharing it with one another.

“He hasn't asked.” I give Daisy a look. No, I haven't asked yet, but it’s happening, and she knows that. “I’m teasing.” She smiles at me. “We have plenty of time. We just got back together.”

“We need time to plan this.” Bunny isn't even looking at us when she makes the statement. She’s looking directly at my mom.

“I know. I mean, you have to give us some sort of idea.”

“Hello? Isn't it me that should be planning it?”

“Of course you can have some say, but PJ and I have been waiting forever for this. We just need time to put everything together. Don’t ruin this for us.”

“We could elope,” Daisy chirps. Shit. I lean back in my chair not getting in the middle of that one. I love my girl, but she’s on her own with the moms now.

“You wouldn't dare.” Bunny stands up from her chair.

“I wouldn’t,” Daisy huffs, caving instantly to her mom. I think she’s going to give them this one. Neither of our parents have ever been overbearing. I think they can get a pass on this. I love that my girl is so close to my mom.

“I would like to get married this year.” I reach out and grab Daisy’s hand. My finger rubs where a wedding ring should be. “With splitting time in the city and back home it might be a lot to handle.”

“And that’s where we come in.” Both of them are once again smiling from ear to ear.

“I want it at home. That’s my main request.”

“Of course.” She walks over to Daisy, bending down to give her a hug before kissing her on top of the head. “We’ll do you right.”

“I know,” Daisy agrees.

“PJ, you want to help me get that thing out of my truck?”

“Oh, shit. I forgot that was in there.” My mom is already halfway out the door before she finishes.

“You do not have a wedding dress in your truck.” Daisy stares at her mom, who rolls her eyes.

“Don’t be ridiculous. We have to go and try on all kinds of dresses where I’ll cry and we’ll fight over which is prettier. It’s all drawn out in our master wedding plan.”

“Sounds like fun.” She tries to tease Bunny, but a laugh comes out.

“What’s going on?” Noelle comes in, snagging a chair next to Daisy.

“They are trying to plan my wedding.”

“You better not put me in a ugly dress.”

“I would never do that to you.”

“Pink is ugly,” Noelle informs her.

Daisy’s mouth falls open. “Take it back.” Daisy glares at her best friend, who is trying not to laugh.

“She’s messing with you.” I pluck Daisy out of her chair, putting her in my lap. She melts into me. Fuck does that feel good. Daisy is now mine. I can put my hands anywhere I want on her anytime I want.

“I am teasing. You know I’ll wear pink.”

The front door flies open. “Got it.” My mom kicks the door closed and she's got a big-ass box in her hands that she drops down on the table with a loud thud.