Page 90 of What if I Told You


Aww, girl you know I’ll be there no matter what! But if you do it in the spring, then that doesn’t leave you a ton of time to dress shop or venue shop and all that jazz.


Oh, that’s easy. The wedding is going to be on Bran’s farm. It’s gorgeous out here. And as for the dress, I’m thinking of finding an antique dress and revamping it a bit. What do you think?


I think as someone who lives and breathes antiques, it’s the perfect idea for you. You should fly out here and come shopping with me! I bet you’ll find some real showstoppers!


Hmm ok! Perhaps it’ll be late spring. Let me talk to Bran and then we’ll have to look at your hockey schedule so I know you can be there.


Sounds good to me!


Ok tell me about you! What’s new?

A wide smile fans across my face as I type out my response to her question.


Oh, you know. Not much. Hockey stuff. Had sex with Auggie. Working like crazy. That’s about it.





My phone rings in my hand and I laugh out loud as I swipe across my screen to accept the call. She doesn’t even give me the chance to say hello before she screams, “WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT???”

“Well hello to you too,” I greet with a chuckle.

“Bitch, back that text the fuck up! I just had to reread it three fucking times to make sure I was reading it correctly! OMG you had sex with Auggie?”

I close one eye and cringe as I nod. “I totally had sex with Auggie.”

“GIRL!” she shouts and then her tone completely changes as she softly and curiously asks, “How was it? Was it everything you’ve ever imagined it would be?”

“And sooo much more, Paige. So much more.”

She gasps and then sighs audibly. “Oh my God! Tell me everything! How did it happen? Did he make the first move or was it you?” Her voice lowers. “Is he good? Like goooood good? I bet he’s amazing. Oh, my God, I bet you had the best night of your whole fucking life!”

I spend the next several minutes explaining to my other best friend how amazing my night with August was in as much detail as she can handle. She laughs when I tell her about the game we played to get us where we wanted to go but swoons when I tell her about our snuggling afterwards and how Auggie said I was made for him.

“Holy shit, El. I am so freaking happy for you guys. I feel like you’ve waited so long for this and it’s finally happening.”

“Yeah. It’s weird because it honestly wasn’t something that crossed my mind when I planned to move out here to California, but on the other hand, moving out here to live with him felt completely normal. Like, of course I would move here and of course I would live with Auggie. Then things started happening and my thoughts would stray to those forbidden places, you know?”

“Yeah I know that feeling,” she says. “I felt them with Bran. Like I had no business having sexual feelings for the quiet guy with the goat but then I couldn’t stop myself.”